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$15M Settlement Awarded in Small Plane Crash Suit

This is a settlement for the Plane Crashes lawsuit.

Cook County, IL: The family of Michael Waugh, a 37-year-old restaurant executive who was killed when the Cessna he was flying in crashed near a Chicago airport, has been awarded a $15 million settlement. Waugh was one of four people onboard the plane with it crashed. They were returning to Chicago from a financial meeting.

His family blamed Mark Turek, a senior financial advisor for Morgan Stanley and a licensed pilot, who was flying the plane at the time of the crash. The lawsuit maintained that Turek caused the crash because he flew the plane too slowly, causing it to stall and then nosedive into the ground. The family also sued Morgan Stanley, claiming it allowed employees to use private aircraft on company business with non-professional pilots.

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Published on Mar-30-10


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