  • mike crill December 25, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    listen up everyone….you must read the study done from 1979 to 2002 titled >Meso in Montana and the 200 plus meso deaths recorded of people who died from Meso who just live to a rail road tracks…all from Libby Montana.Do a story on the railroad who also knowingly poisoned millions by transporting this deadly Tremolite asbestos…all over this country…responsible today for the MILLIONS sick and dieing today from what they/wr grace and this corupt govt that also allowed we the people to be poisoned.And the rail road is paying 1000 to 10,ooo to those they knowingly one has spent a day in jail for this holocaust that was allowed to be done to us. and of course, those guilty of this are now out of the asbestos business and into the Insurance business collecting the BILLIONS it cost to take care of those/us/me for what they did.

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