  • mike crill June 21, 2013 at 1:45 pm

    I just settled a wrongful death lawsuit from asbestos and got $25 thousand which was split between all 6 siblings and we all got 4 thousand for the murder of our dad. What is wrong here. People of Libby Mt continue to get screwed while the lawyers are making a killing off of the killing of us. This is so unfair and wrong.

  • Ernest AbadSantos June 30, 2013 at 3:04 pm

    When I was a security guard for Bechtel Engineering at 50 Beale Street in San Francisco on the 1980s I was required to patrol on a nightly basis different floors inside the Building that was being cleaned up of Asbestos the building had 24 floors I was the Grave yard Shift Supervisor American Pinkerton Security who held the contract for the Bechtel Engineering Corp at that time. Since I was the Supervisor of the shift only me and my Rover guard was allowed to move from station to different station of stationary guards assigned during the graveyard shift night after night I was supposed to patrol the floors where they were cleaning up the Asbestos from the building and they were required to do the clean up at the late night shift. Part of my duties was to check on the working crew to make sure that they stay just within the floors that they were cleaning up and I was also suppose to make sure that those floors that clean up was working remains secure and non of the computers, and other engineering designs doesn't get stolen or touched by the clean up crew for the Asbestos clean up. for the whole building. I would walk in those floors without no protective gears with just a handkerchief in my hand to protect me from the Asbestos dust that was flying all over the place where they getting the layers of Asbestos that were still used for the design of the building when Asbestos was the well known protection to prevent office fires when the 50 BEALE BUILDING was the BECHTEL MAIN HEAD QUARTERS in San Francisco. I would fearlessly walk in the floors where the clean up crew were working the crew would wear all these protective gears like special suits and mask and goggles to protect them from the Asbestos dust floating all over the floors they were cleaning up and I wasn't provided any protective gears, suits, rubber gloves or goggles but I was still instructed to patrol those floors night after night floor after floor until the 24 floors stories clean up was completed this clean up project went on for a good three months.

    I remember that when ever I would get home I would see this glass like crystal substance that were all over my uniform night after night the same substance would be in my skin when I would take showers because it would be so itchy I can see tis substance sparkling all over my body. I didn't realize the dangers of Asbestos then in the 1980s well we knew that it could cause cancer but I thought that it was only long term exposures that would be dangerous. I didn't think that breathing in the Asbestos flakes from the clean up of the building night after night as I was required to patrol those floors could have any damaging effects on my lungs. I never knew of the damaging effects of the Asbestos flakes that would get in my lungs as I would breath in the air that was contaminated with Asbestos could have a long term damaging effects in my lungs as I fearlessly patrolled those floors night after night for those three months that they cleaned up the Asbestos the 50 Beale Street building of the BECHTEL MAIN OFFICE IN SAN FRANCISCO. We were never given any special gears for protection in fact we were never even warned of the dangers of Asbestos although we were instructed on how to make sure that the security of the building remains stable as the clean up crew of the Asbestos goes in and out of the building. Now I have really bad symptoms of Emphysema, I have symptoms skin lesions in my private parts that was diagnosed as pre-cancer I have to go for the burning of these lesions to a displysia clinicevery six months for the fear of the doctors that the lesions could spread deep inside my private crevices and even up my anus. It never dawned on me that these things that I have been suffering could have been caused by the three months that I was required to patrol those floors in 50 Beale Street building when they were performing the Asbestos clean up of that building in the 1980s. Is it possible that my sufferings were due to the Asbestos exposure night after night in the span of at least three months. Do I even have a possible case to file a lawsuit against either the American Pinkerton Security firm or better yet the BECHTEL CORPORATION OFFICE IN SAN FRANCISCO?

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