The much-anticipated Notice of Proposed Settlement for the United Healthcare (UHC) class action lawsuit about Out-of-Network (OON) charges being improperly reimbursed has finally landed in my mailbox—perhaps yours, too.
Chances are, if you’ve received the UHC OON settlement notice, you glazed over it and tossed it aside while simultaneously feeling some sort of nagging inside—that nagging you feel when you know you should do something but it’s just too much of a pain in the ass to do it. Windexing the windows falls into this category as well. The difference between the windows and the UHC settlement though is that at least you KNOW how to do the windows; just try to figure out how to submit a claim for this settlement.
So I’m going to go through the process with you—yes, I’m going to fill out the paperwork and post about it so I can feel your pain and hopefully help you make sense of it all along the way. And so our little journey begins…
The UHC OON Proposed Settlement in hand, I rip it open to find a sea of text that immediately starts to confuse me. It’s not the lawsuit I’m confused about—we’ve followed the AMA v. UHC class action. It’s what the heck I need to do now. So I force myself to read the hideously dense serif text and here’s what I need to do:
1. Ask myself, was I a United Healthcare Subscriber…
at all between March 15, 1994 through November 18, 2009? Ok, yes, I was.
2. How long do I have to submit a Claim Form for this?
(i.e., how long can I procrastinate?) I have until October 5, 2010 to submit a UHC settlement claim form. Seems like a lot of time, but not if all the writing in this thing means I’ve got legwork to do. So I need to…
3. Figure out which Claim Form to submit…
I can use either the “Simplified Claim Form for Subscribers” (option “Group A”) or the “Out of Pocket Subscriber Claimants” form (option “Group B”) or the “Subscriber Claims for Adjusted Bill Amounts Not Fully Paid by Subscriber Claimants” form (option “Group C”). There’s an option “Group D”, but that’s for providers only.
Somehow the “Simplified” option seems pretty simplified compared to the other wordy claimant groups. Kinda like that 1040-EZ form. But, in similar fashion, if you take the easy way out, you risk getting a smaller amount of dough from this settlement.
See, if you go with the Simplified option Group A form, your “recognized loss” will be $50 for each year of the class period that you were a UHC subscriber (ie, 1994-2009). Fifty dollars a year isn’t bad, but I know I’ve written checks worth a lot more than $50 to pay for my “Out of Pocket” OON charges. In order to try to recover that cash, it’s on to the option “Group B” form.
The Group B folks are able to recover 100% of their Out of Pocket amount—though 20% will be deducted—up to $2,000 over all my claims—to account for co-payments, co-insurance, or deductibles I would’ve owed anyway.
So onward.
Here’s where it gets a bit more complicated.
4. What do I need to submit if I go with option B, Out of Pocket Subscriber Claimants?
I need proof! I need my bills! My Statement of Benefit forms!
I don’t have them.
Oh—but look! It says here, “For assistance as a Subscriber or Provider filing a Group B, C or D (D is for providers only) claim, you may request the Claims Administrator to send you certain information furnished by the Defendants…regarding the Covered Out-of-Network Services or Supplies you either received or provided from January 1, 2002 through May 28, 2010. However you must authorize the Claims Administrator to send you this information.”
Notice, the class period goes back to 1994; you can request information only back to 2002.
So, I call the Claims Adminstrator’s toll-free number. FYI, it’s 800-443-1073. I spoke with Matt. He tells me that the defandants were only able to provide records back to 2002. So for anything that pre-dates that, you’re on your own. You can either pray you’ve got the records, or you can try your doctor. Though neither of those options—at least for me—would probably yield much.
The Claims Information Request Authorization Form (which is available over at is what I need to fill out in order to receive the information I’m looking for. I print it out, fill it out, and mail it. And now I wait.
Given that there is a bit of legwork involved if you’d like to submit a more “itemized” claim, I can’t urge you enough to get moving. It’s the end of May, and all your information needs to be submitted (postmarked!) by October 5, 2010. The time will fly.
So, more to come…hang with me.
Maybe more class action suits against the Lawyers, Berdon and the crooked Judge who approved this scam. More than United is laughing all the way to the bank. The fleecing continues…
I contacted Berdon via email, an dreceived the exact I'm assuming "computer generated" response as Eva. Then for kicks contaced them again and asked what I need to do to get a copy of how my claim was processed. This is the response I got, "We will process your request to receive a claims payment report." So it will be interesting to see what, if any report I get. Just for kicks i"ll post it here if I do receive anything
i just received my settlement check of 175.00. My claim years were for the entire 1994-2009 period….i dont see how this amount was arrived at if the compensation was 50.00 per each year!
I too just got a check for 186.47. I thought I was getting $50.00 per year 1994-2009. What is going on? Maybe we should do a class action against Berdon
Hey! I got $187.28! Let's get together and buy a yacht w/our "windfall"! LOL Heck, it beats a kick in the kester. BUT I would love to join that class action against Berdon and while we're at it why not the dang judge too for either incompetence or maybe he/she ?? How the heck do these guys approve settlements for 35 cents for every $1.50 in claims? It happens every day w/the government suing companys (that have plenty of money&/or profited highly) paying only pennies on the dollar of profits in penalties….In America like worldwide, it pays to be a white collar crook.
Does anyone have the slightest idea of what formula these bozos used to calculate the settlement? I was a member from 2000-2007, with maybe the exception of one year with Cigna. This is an insult to be ripped off twice, UHC is right up there with Citi, Chase and Comcast, IMO.
I've been watching this site for news of the settlements. I didn't save records, I was Class A, but I do remember having knockdown dragout fights with UHC about their "reasonable and customary" charges, even going so far as to do a survey of local out of network doctors to prove how screwed up they were. I was a subscriber for 7 years, and got a whopping 81.90. I don''t know what they used for a calculation but I feel badly for people who really had records and proved they lost much more. Good luck with that….
Hi folks, Well, we got something. It's the way it's been for a long time now….find an injustice, do a "class action" (classless is more like it) and milk the heck out of the "settlement" yeah, I thought I'd be getting $900 or so, which wouldn't have covered the screwing UHC gave us in their "reasonable and customary" charges b.s. over the many years. Yes, I was thankful to have insurance coverage, but I did sacrifice pay in lieu of for that healthcare coverage, as probably all of you out there…
As a Class B claimant I received my payment last week for the United Health Care Class Action Case and I got a very small check relative to what I submitted. Have others received their check and did they make out?
Most everyone got a small settlement, roughly 10% of what they claimed, I have heard of no one making out 🙁
I filed under "Class A" for the full period (1994-2009) and received a check for $175.58. Far less than the $50 per year they were claiming in the original documentation.
I got a check for a hundred and something. Class A. So did my spouse and kids. I am not unhappy. I never expected to get the full amount. Counting chickens and such. I'm not even sure I was ever burned by the practice the lawsuit was about.
Well, it's been fun guys. May you all have success in your future endeavors.
I have worked for Physicians for 25 years. UHC is notorious for processing in network claims as out of network so they can put it toward your deductible and charge twice as much for out of pocket max. Every doctor I have worked for has had this fight with them… they along with all the other major carriers PROFIT IN THE BILLIONS EVERY QUARTER. Then we have Obamacare that now FORCES us to make them richer… what country was I dropped into and where did the United States that I was raised in go????????????????