I’m somehow thinking that the $20 billion that BP’s agreed to set up as an escrow fund to pay for claims as a result of the BP Oil Spill disaster won’t be enough. But I suppose it’s a start. Meanwhile reports yesterday indicated that government officials actually increased the estimates on how much oil has been spewing into the Gulf—now 50% higher than what was previously estimated. That’s a lot of oil folks…
So today we hear from Nate, who has a sort of interim containment solution to recommend. Here’s what he says…
“Burning the oil/gas mix at the bottom of the ocean by injecting O2 or (other gas) through the top via the q4000. Not sure if its been thought of yet, and it’s only a temp solution to oil reaching the surface till the relief wells finish. Pollution differences would have to be addressed but it would not allow oil to the surface and MOST pollution would be stuck a mile down in a tight location in theory.”
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Thanks Nate!