  • Delinda Arline December 7, 2011 at 9:41 am

    Hi, my son and i were also was in a car accident on may 4th 2008,he broke his back, has 20% use of kidney, and i broke my neck c5 &6…we are both home now…and my son runs around(thank god) like nothing is wrong, he doesnt complain(he is 4)and a real trooper. I had a halo until 2 days ago. now in the neck brace and my right arm hurts really bad…they took a bone from my hip fused it in my neck..and god knows it could have been worse and I try really hard to concentrate on that but I too feel like im coming out of my skin..I also have a daughter 6 (wasnt in the wreck) and I want so bad to do our normal stuff and feel horrible that I cant. I am scared to death to be in a car now, but really frustrated that i cant drive, they keep telling me that pain meds are addictive and took me off percocet and i am taking over the counter stuff…lol…it really doesnt help.. I feel stuck in this house and very dependent on my husband and It is driving me a lil crazy..I know I am complaing, i have a big fear of rebreaking my neck…I just want to be back to normal and wonder if I will….I think I may need to learn from my son, who is my lil hero…i think maybe i needed to vent….thanks to whoever started this site..

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