  • Jeanette Reese December 16, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    My 65 year old husband, 100% PTSD disabled Viet Nam Vet, has been suffering from a chronic cough for over 20 years now, VA has diagnosed COPD, he has been a smoker since his teens. He has worked as an auto mechanic, plumber, and pipefitter. I have looked through his VA medical records, and found plaque & asbestosis mentioned, as a result of asbestos exposure, they have never told him this. He worked at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) for nearly 20 years as a nuclear pipefitter. He can recall working in spaces with the air so thick, he couldn't see a foot in front of him. He says they were given paper masks until the 'Cold War' ended, then they were given proper protective gear & training. My question is why don't I ever see PSNS listed as a hotspot? He says they wanted them to sign some type of release form because of their exposure, which he declined to sign. We haven't been able to get his Medical Dispencery records from them. He has had the left side of his thyroid removed, is looking at the 3rd attempt to remove recurring polyps from his nasal/sinus cavity. Has no one who worked at PSNS ever reported this exposure, or is a Federal Government facility exempt?

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