A roundup of recent asbestos-related news and information that you should be aware of.
If you’ve ever wondered what states in the US are most affected by asbestos mesothelioma, look no further than the CDC’s study on malignant asbestos mesothelioma death rates for the years 1999 – 2005. A map showing the results of the study is shown here (from the CDC website).
According to the CDC study, the map above indicates that the state death rate was greater than the national rate of 13.8 per million population per year in 26 states; in six states (Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wyoming, and West Virginia) the rate exceeded 20 per million per year.
Malignant mesothelioma death rate per 1M population, by state, United States, 1999–2005
Palm Springs, CA: The Jennifer Diamond Cancer Research Library is a free library that provides access to cancer information for newly diagnosed patients who visit the Cathedral city-based Gilda’s Club center for treatment. It is one of six libraries in California that provides access to cancer information. (The Desert Sun)
Bethlehem, PA: Student exposure to asbestos at a Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School in Bethlehem Township, Pennsylvania, was reportedly concealed until recently, when a student and two teachers blew the whistle on the school. The school had purchased an old house that reportedly had a basement floor that contained asbestos. During a two month renovation of the premises, the whistleblowers allege that they and possibly as many as 100 other people, mostly students, were exposed to asbestos. Furthermore, they were told to keep quiet about it. (Mesotheliomaweb)