  • Paul W. Ayers April 10, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    I and a crew were heavily exposed to friable asbestos and I being the Foreman/Safety officer tried my due dillegince to get local/state officals to shut down the project, I was laid off midway through the project for complaining to the employer to protect us workers and our families from cross contamination from months working in Extreme Friable Asbestos enviroment. Even after the employer brought me back on and required me again to do a falsified saftey report which I denied to perform, I again went to Our officials with photographs and triple bagged deconed samples of Mag asbestos that I had taken off the floor and air conditioner that sat open air and unabated, with our WA State inspectors walking past with contractor/s and building owner and many more officals,all knowing of the extreme dangers and blatant disregard for our health, then to dump illegally into our local transfer station load after load month after month, how many people was And Still could be,so carelessly contaminated?

  • Paul W. Ayers April 10, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    cont I again went to Our official L& I office with photographs and physical samples of the mag and aerocell asbestos I had taken from the floor and airconditioner unit that sat open and unabated.with our WA state and local inspectors walking past the piles with contactors/bldg owner and many more officals all knowing of the extreme dangers and blatant disregard for our health.

  • Paul W. Ayers April 10, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    cont, Then to illegally dump into our local transfer station load after load month after month knowingly ,how many people was and could still be so carelessly contaminated? And this public building owned by a High End Resort in a Major tourist town was intentionally reopened the Most Hazardous site I had ever been exposed to or had witnessed. I am a former AHERA,OSHA certifed 40 hr Haz-Mat supervisor that used to work for major Abatement companies working on Superfund sites,so you can understand of my great concern and being livid for lack of enforcement and apathy on so many's part.

  • Paul W. Ayers April 10, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    cont, My health has been noticably diminished as my breathing is now short and I feel my injured lungs,with the many possiblities of digested fibers and the known cancer causes of asbestos,my wife has also been heavily exposed cross contaminated and she now has many respitory problems as i have noted over our 7 years of marriage. Yet I can not find anyone who can help us or how to proceed in such a case, and does Statue of Limitaions apply?

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