This idea to fix the BP Oil Spill is from Simon K. Clearly Simon’s been following the updates from the Gulf on the efficacy (or lack thereof) of the containment efforts. He also appears to have a direct line to President Obama, though, he is still awaiting a response from the President. Here’s Simon’s idea:
“BP should seal the well permanently by lowering down the pipe a large concrete plug to stop the flow of oil. The concrete plug has a loop on the top to lower it by a line into the well to block the flow of oil and gas. BP has taken the wrong path by trying to take the leaking oil by piping it to the service with improvised caps which have failed. The present cap is only recovering 10% of the oil and the remaining oil is still leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. The have posponed plugging the well with failed improvised techniques like plumping mud and using a cover over the top of the leak in order to find some technique in the future to recover the leaking oil. I have written to President Obama to request that their oil recovery attempts cease and to once and for all place a circular and long concrete plug weighing over a ton down into the well hole to seal the hole permanently. I have written to President Obama with more detailed instructions on how the plug will seal the well hole. I am waiting to receive a reply to my letter to President Obama with instructions how to lower the plug into the hole to stop the leak. I do not know if President Obama has read my letter. I do not know if the President is able to communicate with BP that the well leak must be sealed and not to be used as a resource. I want to sue BP because they have not made an attempt to seal the well.”
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Thanks Simon!
a large conical device could easily be guided into the newly opened circular opening using a NAVY sub,if we can successfully mate the space shuttle to the space station this should merely be practice.the lack of action to seal this catastrophic attack on our environment will go down in history as the greatest failure of "technology" ever
Please go to youtube and look and read the best and fastest oil spill fix out there type in titanium sandwitch or bp oil spill fix . this titanium plate put in the right spot will let this oil spill R.I.P.
Hi Titanium Sandwitch (aka MrCarneytom), Thanks for your idea–I've just posted it here as one of our Fix the BP Oil Spill Idea-of-the-Day posts!