  • Y. Jean August 21, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    As a user of these cosmetics that have questionable safety, I need to know which brands and types are suspicious of containing dangerous ingredients. I would like the choice of not using them.

  • pamelag August 22, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    also DEP found in my favorite perfumes? 🙁 .they are after the endocrine system! time to go back to grandma's solutions

  • Giovani D'Onofrio April 24, 2017 at 3:47 pm

    1. Environmental Defense
    2. 4 out of the 49 products contain metals
    3. Arsenic and lead
    4. True
    5. Lip Gloss
    6. Ray Bolger
    7. When he inhaled the metals the metals ” hurt” his lungs
    1.Cereal and Rice
    2. A substance that can cause cancer
    3. Lead and illuminum
    4. Apple juice and orange juice

  • King April 27, 2017 at 10:27 pm

    1. Eviornmental defense
    2. 4 out of the 49 products have metal in them
    3. Led and arsenic
    4. True
    5. Lip gloss
    6. Ray Bolger
    7. When the deadly meatals were inhaled it ” hurt ”

    1. Cereal and rice
    2. Cancer causing substance
    3. Lead and illuminum
    4. Apple and orange juice

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