One of the comments we hear from time to time at is…”But aren’t you just ambulance chasing?” And it’s a question class action litigators get all the time, too. So I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on just what it is that brought us here…comments—and pleas for help—like these:
“I want to thank you for writing about Mike and Cipro. Perhaps the story can help someone. I hope so. I’m sure someone working for Bayer has read the story by now. Thank you for not letting them forget what they’ve done to him.”
“Hello Heidi – Gosh – Your article had been excellent and explained in basic terms that I think a lot of readers will relate to. I know I read all the testimonials to find out what other people are experiencing and that is a big help for me to determine what I will do with certain products. I am very glad to have spoken with you and Thank You for having contacted me”
“Hi. Can you please send me the information on getting your home checked? I live in a Read the rest of this entry »