And that’s the tip of the iceberg—the list below are companies that have either had claims brought against them for FSLA overtime pay issues or have actually settled with claimants in regard to overtime pay. The list itself, compiled from archives, covers 2003-present.
But the 5th Annual Workplace Class Action Litigation Report, published by Seyfarth Shaw back in January, also reported that wage and hour class actions in 2008 for the top ten private settlements entered into or paid totaled $252.7 million. No small chunk of change—and that was just 2008, just the top TEN.
So if you’re thinking that working overtime without pay is just something you have to put up with for the privilege of having a job–or that it doesn’t happen too often, guess again. And if you think you might be in such a situation, you might want to talk to a lawyer.
61 Companies…
Abercrombie & Fitch ($2 million settlement)