Most of us don’t really think much about lead paint. Or lead anything for that matter. It only becomes an issue when there’s some report of lead appearing in a toy or someone’s about to buy (or renovate) an old house.
But lead was in the spotlight today, April 22nd, 2010. That’s because today was D-day for contractors who might find themselves working in homes, buildings, offices or schools that were built prior to 1978. Why 1978? Because that’s when the ban on lead paint went into effect—so anything built prior to ’78 may have used lead paint in its construction.
The EPA’s lead paint rule now requires contractors to take extra precautions—quite a few of them—when working in older homes and buildings to avoid unnecessary exposure to lead paint dust and particles. If you’re thinking, ok, so they’ll have to wear a dust mask, then you’re in for a bit of a surprise when you hear what this rule actually requires.
Contractors, as of today, have to be certified as “lead-safe” by the EPA—and at least one person on each job site must complete an eight-hour training course. They will have to wear special gear
that includes air filters, goggles and hoods. The areas where they’re working will need to be protected with heavy plastic and sealed. And work sites have to be cleaned thoroughly with special vacuums. Warning signs need to be posted as well to alert others that they are in the midst of a lead-paint hazard area.
This new federal rule has, needless to say, sent some shockwaves through the construction industry— Read the rest of this entry »