This weekend’s passing of Corazon Aquino after her battle with colon cancer puts the disease back in the spotlight—particularly at a time when online reports estimate that anywhere from 50%- 60% of Americans over 50 years of age have not had a colonoscopy.
At first, that statistic seems alarming. But here’s the thing—who wants a colonoscopy? I’ve already posted about how the colonoscopy prep options are like being between a rock and a hard place: either you gag down a gallon of wannabe fruit-flavored solution, or you potentially increase your risk of kidney failure by using the more palatable Osmo-Prep, Visicol or maybe Fleet EZ Prep.
Perhaps the biggest thing of all to swallow is the cost of a colonoscopy. Here’s the breakdown of my recent colonoscopic adventure:
Doctor Consultation: $375
Doctor Fee for Procedure: $2100
Facility Fee: $2800
Total: a whopping $5,275
And keep in mind that if you haven’t met your deductible, or if you’re paying out-of-network, you’ll be forking over a large chunk of that $5,275. Read the rest of this entry »