It’s the whole oil and vinegar thing. They make a beautiful dressing, but they don’t mix. They respect each other’s turf. So it is with lawyers and doctors—normally. Here’s the story…
Imagine you’ve been taking a supplement—like Fen-Phen—to lose weight. Now imagine you’ve heard that Fen-Phen diet supplement you’ve been taking has been linked to a serious condition, namely PPH (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension). You’ve started to notice some PPH symptoms yourself and you reach out to a Fen-Phen lawyer for help.
Trouble is, you didn’t reach out through (ok, ok, a little bit of self-love there) and this particular lawyer is apparently a schmuck. That’s basically the story (alleged, of course) the Louisville is reporting today. Seems Patricia Fulkerson was part of a national Fen-Phen class action suit back in 2002, and she’s claiming that the law firm, Florida-based Wasserman, Riley & Associates, “exaggerated her heart injuries—and those of other clients—so it could collect higher fees.”
How so you ask? Doesn’t the doctor’s report show the extent of any injury? Read the rest of this entry »