I just took the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS or HAM-D) test. Yes, I administered it to myself, which is not really legit. And I was popping jelly beans (full disclosure: Jelly Belly original mix that wasn’t comped) in my mouth while clicking thru the answers. I scored a three. Which, apparently is within the “normal” range—or as I’m made aware of by my test source (Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry) “in clinical remission” had I been previously and officially depressed. For comparison, a score of 8-13 is “mild depression”; 14-18 is “moderate depression”; 19-22 is “severe depression” and a score of 23 or more is “very severe depression”.
Did I mention I was popping jelly beans? aka mommy’s little sugar pills?
So who knows—maybe I was just on a sugar rush and otherwise would’ve scored a four. Be that as it may, it got me thinking.
See, I took the test—and popped the J-beans—while reading an article, “The Serotonin Skeptic” by Carlin Flora Read the rest of this entry »
Although the adverse effects of women taking psychiatric drugs while pregnant related to birth defects and infant withdrawal syndrome are often discussed or reported, the serious adverse effects on the sex lives and reproductive systems of millions of young couples are rarely mentioned.
Whatever the reason, due to the ever widening marketing campaigns by the psycho-pharmaceutical industry, young people need to be warned before they get conned into taking psychiatric drugs. Read the rest of this entry »
On April 21, 2009, the Miami Herald reported that a 7-year-old boy in Florida, Gabriel Myers, had committed suicide by hanging himself with a detachable shower head in a bathroom of the foster care home he was placed in three weeks earlier. Read the rest of this entry »