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3 indicted over civil rights violations in prison

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Three officers at a Miami prison, along with one inmate, were charged with conspiracy and civil rights violations of inmates.

According to a federal indictment, the three prison officers at the Miami-Dade Correctional Institution used an inmate known as "monster" to beat up other inmates who reportedly had disciplinary problems, the Miami Herald reports.

Prison InmateMonster, whose real name is Larry T. Williams, reportedly assaulted at least two other prison inmates that were escorted to his cell by the suspected prison guards.

The three men who are suspected of the civil rights violations are prison sergeant Obe D. L'Bert, and former officers Cordell J. White and Christopher W. Bonnet.

The indictment alleges that two incidents occurred in 2008. One on October 26 and another on November 1. In one instance the officers are accused of bringing an inmate to Williams' cell and in another Williams was escorted to an inmate's cell.

The inmates who were allegedly beaten by Williams have been identified as D.T. and F.H. The extent of their injuries from the reported beatings has not been revealed.

If convicted of the felony civil rights charges, all four suspects will face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.ADNFCR-2533-ID-19364984-ADNFCR


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