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Risk of Death for Users of Four Asthma Drugs

Two federal drug officials have issued a warning that people suffering from asthma face a risk of death if they continue to use 4 popular asthma drugs--Advair, Foradil, Symbicort and Serevent. The officials said in their warning that no asthma sufferers should use those 4 drugs; however, a third official said that while no one under the age of 17 should use the 4 asthma medications, adults could use Advair and Symbicort.

Not everyone at the FDA agrees with the assessment, so the agency has called for a committee of experts to meet and come up with a solution to the disagreement. A spokesperson for GlaxoSmithKline said that the warnings about a risk of death were not supported by the drug maker's own data. However, a GlaxoSmithKline study, released in 2003, showed that patients given Serevent were more likely to die than patients given a placebo. GlaxoSmithKline sells both Advair and Serevent.

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Published on Dec-8-08


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mother had been prescribed all of these drugs and died in 2005. need an attorney handling these cases in GA. at the time, no major lawsuits had been filed. have been seeking justice for years. gave up after was told statute of limitations was 2 years and nothing major had come of the drugs at that point. but never rested in my soul. no questions it was these drugs. she would get really sick and they would take her off one and put her on the other.....her condition got worst each and every time until her death

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Mother died from what I believe was the use symbicort inhaler --- I'm seeking an attorney that is handling symbicort related cases in TX


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