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US and Foreign Companies Warned by FDA to Stop Selling Fake Cancer Cures

FDA Warns Public to Be Wary

Warning Letters have been sent to 23 US companies and two foreign individuals marketing a wide range of products fraudulently claiming to prevent and cure cancer, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today. The FDA also warns North American consumers against using or purchasing the products, which include tablets, teas, tonics, black salves, and creams, which are sold under various names on the Internet.

The products contain ingredients such as bloodroot, shark cartilage, coral calcium, cesium, ellagic acid, Cat's Claw, an herbal tea called Essiac, and mushroom varieties such as Agaricus Blazeii, Shitake, Maitake, and Reishi.

Because these products claim to cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease, and these products have not been shown to be safe and effective for their labeled conditions of use, they are unapproved new drugs marketed in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

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If you or a loved one has suffered illness, or a loved one has died as a result of using these products, please click the link below to send your complaint to a lawyer to evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
Published on Jun-17-08


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