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Novantrone may cause Heart Disease

Novantrone (mitoxantrone) is an approved anti-cancer drug that was approved for the treatment of several forms of advanced Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in October of 2000.

The approval carried the following warning: "Some patients treated with Novantrone may develop heart problems that can be very serious. The risk of heart disease increases with the cumulative dose, and patients with MS should ordinarily not receive more than 8 to 12 doses administered over two to three years. The professional labeling and patient information recommend that doctors closely monitor their patients. Patients will be advised that regular testing of heart and blood is needed to help avoid serious side effects. Other frequent side effects include nausea, hair thinning, loss of menstrual periods, bladder infections and mouth sores."

In January 2003, the product label was changed to read: "Secondary acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) has been reported in cancer patients treated with anthracyclines. NOVANTRONE is an anthracenedione, a related drug. Secondary AML has also been reported in cancer patients and multiple sclerosis patients who have been treated with NOVANTRONE."

Possible Novantrone Side Effects Lawsuit

If you or a family member have used Novantrone and have suffered heart disease or acute myelogenous lukemia, you may be entitled to compensation.

Register your Novantrone Complaint

If you feel you qualify for damages or remedies that might be awarded in a possible lawsuit, please click the link below to submit your complaint.

Published on Nov-24-04


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