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Personal Injury Lawsuits

If you have suffered from an injury as a result of an accident, either physically or emotionally, that means you have suffered a personal injury. You may simply want an apology from someone if you suffered a minor injury but you might want compensation if your injury was more serious—and that often involves taking legal action.


Send your Personal Injury claim to a lawyer who will review your claim at NO COST or obligation.

Personal Injury—Take Action

After the initial shock and any immediate medical treatment required, start to collect evidence about the accident. Were there any witnesses? If so, get their names and contact information. If applicable, take photos of the accident scene. Get copies of all your medical reports. If your accident happened at work, tell your employer immediately and fill out the necessary forms—you will need these for insurance purposes and/or worker's compensation.

Next, you will want to talk to your insurance company and figure out how much your claim is worth. There are a lot of variables to take into account, particularly if your injury is ongoing and medical attention will be needed down the road.

A person or organization that is liable (to blame) for your accident usually has liability insurance from their insurance company. A personal injury claim should cover the following:
  • medical care and related expenses

  • lost income lost because of time spent unable to work or undergoing treatment for injuries

  • permanent physical disability or disfigurement

  • loss of family, social, and educational experiences, including missed school or training, vacation, recreation, or special event

  • emotional damages, such as stress, embarrassment, depression, or strains on family relationships - from the inability to care for children to psychological sexual disfunction

  • damaged property
Next, an insurance company will determine the amount of compensation. Generally, an insurance adjuster negotiates a claim by a "damages formula" that includes medical expenses as well as pain and suffering and other non-monetary losses, referred to as "general damages". If you think you are not being treated fairly or believe you are entitled to more compensation, you might want to seek legal help.


You can claim monetary compensation if there is a person or an organization partially or totally to blame for your injuries.

A court will award you damages, i.e. money paid or awarded to you, (the plaintiff or claimant) in a successful lawsuit.

personal injury

A personal injury can occur due to a multitude of reasons, from defective products (such as a vehicle) to medical malpractice to even slipping on a sidewalk.

The most common personal injury claims result from traffic accidents, accidents at work and in the home.

Illness is also classified as personal injury in work-related and industrial diseases, from stress and anxiety to asbestosis and pulmonary disease.

Personal Injury Legal Help

If you or a loved one has suffered personal injury damages, please click the link below to send your complaint to a lawyer to evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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Maximizing Your Compensation in a Personal Injury Claim in Maryland
Maximizing Your Compensation in a Personal Injury Claim in Maryland
October 22, 2024
If you’ve suffered a personal injury from another person’s negligence, fair compensation covers your lost wages, medical expenses, and damages. However, filing a personal injury claim can be tricky if you're in Maryland, so you may be unsure how to maximize your settlement. READ MORE

Mississippi Statutes of Limitations for Personal Injury Lawsuits: 2024 Update
Mississippi Statutes of Limitations for Personal Injury Lawsuits: 2024 Update
September 28, 2024
In Mississippi, like in all states, the law imposes time limits—known as statutes of limitations—on how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit. These deadlines are crucial because failing to file your lawsuit within the specified time frame can mean losing your right to sue permanently. In this article, we’ll explore the updated statutes of limitations for personal injury claims in Mississippi, effective in 2024. READ MORE

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases
The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases
August 6, 2024
There are many moving parts in a personal injury case. Often, it can feel like an uphill battle for a victim to acquire enough evidence to prove liability and breach of responsibility. One tool at victims’ disposal is expert witnesses. Keep reading as we explore who qualifies as an expert witness and how your personal injury attorney can leverage them when trying a successful personal injury case.  READ MORE


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Zyprexa did not disclose how it affects the Pituitary gland, which regulates the thyroid, liver, kidney and prolactin production, leaving patients with rapid weight increase and infertility, among other disabling side effects.

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I was helping lift a fixture at Macy's, and the base broke off and crushed my big toe.

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Slipped and fell on a wet floor covered by carpet at a supermarket.

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My two year old injured his neck when he hit the back of Fisher Price high chair that has two screws hanging out. He had to go into emergency surgery.

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My son Cory sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury in 2004, in 2007 Cory completed the requirements to graduate high school from Fountain Ft. Carson high school in Fouhtain Co.

He went to the school with his freind Chris to turn in his books and computer. One of the students that Cory knew from school asked Cory if he and his freind could come over to our house and hang out with Cory. Cory brought Shawn and his freind Jason to the house. During the time that the boys were at the house Shawn and Jason were left in Corys room alone for about 10 minutes. The two boys then went into the bathroom.

Cory knocked on the bathroom door and pushed it open laughing asking the the boys what they were doing in the bathroom together. Cory looked a Jason who was holding Corys property in his hand. Cory asked why he had his belongings and asked if they had taken anything else. Both boys denied having anything and Cory insisted that they empty their pockets. More items belonging to Cory came out of their pockets. Cory finally told them to take off their shoes. When more fell out of the shoes Cory bent to pick up his belongings.

At that time Jason came at Corys head with a ceramics pick attempting to jab his head with the metal pick. Cory has been told for years not to get hit in the head as it could kill him, he has second impact syndrome from his injury. Cory saw Jason swing at him and came up with an upper cut to Jasons jaw.

The boys started to scuffle in the bathroom and my other son Justin hearing the niose went to the bathroom. He stepped in and stopped the fight asking what was going on. Cory explained and ask Justin to watch the two boys and make sure that they did not leave while he checked his room for any other missing items.

Once Cory stepped out of the room Jason punched Justin on the side of the head cutting his face near his eye. Justin swung back and Jason fell back through the glass shower enclosure breaking it and falling into the bath tub. Justin pulled him out and told both the boys to get out of the house.

They ran out leaving their shoes and backpack. My sons called me told me what had happened and stated that they wanted to wait for me to get home to go to the police station and file a report. Before I could get home an officer from the Fountain Police department came to our home requesting the return of the backpack that was left behind.

He questioned my sons regurading the incident. Advised them that they would be charged with felony theft if they did not return the back pack and introduced a Military Police Officer that had accompanied him to the house. The officer stated that they brought MP's along on ride alongs on these types of calls.

We later discovered that the MP was not really an MP but the step father of Jason. He is Military but has never been an MP according to the police on base at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs. He was there impersonating an officer and listening to the report that my sons gave to the officer.

Once the boys returned the back pack and gave their reports of the incident they were told that if there were any other questions that a dectective from the force would come and talk to them. He stated that he had all the information that he needed and the boys were left beleiving that their side of the story would now be on record. That was not the case.

I can only specualte that the officer and the pretend MP were freinds or doing a favor for each other. Their misconduct caused my sons to be charged with terrible felony charges and about 3 weeks later they showed up at my home with arrest warrants for my kids.

When I asked the sergent what happened to the report filed that night he stated that there had never been an officer at my house that night and there was never a report from my sons filed anywhere. When I protested this I was again advised that I was wrong and that there was no report and there certainly was never an officer and an MP sent to my house.

This was the beginning of our nightmare. My sons were arrested and charged with felong assult and assult with a deadly weapon all on the accusations of theives that were in my home. NO investigation was completed, no one other than the officer at my home ever spoke to my kids.

They were taken into custody and we had to post bail for two kids who had never been in any trouble . I have sence taken this case to the internal affairs officer of Fountain. I have spoke to the Mayor and the City Manager. I have advised my kids that they have to believe that the legal system will right all the wrongs yet that is not happening.

My son who has taken 3 years to recover from his injury's , my son who would finally graduate at age 20, who fought for his life has been denied the ability to attend his Prom and we have been told by the Principal of the high school that he will not be allowed to attend his graduation ceremony because he has "pending" charges.

The school I am told does not have to abide by the constitutional rights of my son. They do not have to protect his right to due process. I have followed every path that I can to try to correct what was done wrong in this case. I have contacted the base of the soldier and demanded justice to be told that he has moved to a base in Kansas and that it will be up to his new command to decide if he should be allowed to impersonate an officer or to be punished for obstruction of justice.

The two young men Jason and Shawn get to go on with their lives with no consequences for stealing from someone in their own home or for assulting two people in the process. The officer gets to go on pretending to have the citizens of Fountain protected and safe.

And my family is dealing with a disabled young man depressed that his hard work has meant nothing and another young man who has never been in trouble with a criminal record.

The DA in our county had bent his ear to the "victim Jasons" mother and her demands that Justice be done. Its to bad she never had the opportunity to know what her son did to get himself in that postition. I don't know where to turn? Where do you go when the system fails? Who corrects the wrongs in the legal system? Who can help us? I don't know where to turn any more.

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This happened to my father in 1971. He owned a tire store in Orlando, FL. A very impatient customer was hassling with the young employee taking care of his tire, "Can't you go any faster?!" he bellowed and on and on until my father (36 years old and father of two) told the young lad working for him, "Let me take care of this guy."

Unfortunately however, my father failed to re-check the lad's performance on the tire machine before attempting to continue to add air to the tire. Back in those days (March of 1971) tire machines didn't have automatic shut-down features for ordinarily sized car tires. It blew! My father only had time to react with placing his arm across his face which pushed his arm into his nose which went into his brain. He was in shock and initially felt no pain.

"But you LOOK terrible", his fellow co-workers told him, so after getting rid of the customer who caused all of this, he finally relented by saying, "If I look that bad I'll drive myself to the hospital", but at the wheel he passed out. He was in a coma for 3 days then died at the age of 36 on March 3, 1971.

My family was divorced. I was the victim from my new step-father of the MOST hideous form of abuse. My father in Orlando never got to know let alone save me. My brother had to come live with us when this happened and he later became abused and went on to abuse others.

I got help, but a little kindness would have gone a long way if only that customer who probably never knew the harm he did had been more PATIENT.

Accidents can happen in almost any industry. People who work there need to exercise caution when operating dangerous equipment. And when people rattle your cage in customer care, how are you supposed to react? How do you want to? Stop and think of others.


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