The Right To Walk: Why Everyone Should Have Access to Sidewalks and Crosswalks

. By LAS Staff Writer

In many U.S. cities, pedestrians face a daily risk of being hit by a car while walking on sidewalks or crossing streets at crosswalks.

Take a walk with me. I live in Orlando, one of the most walkable cities in the world—and also one of the most dangerous for pedestrians. In 2021, cars hit more than 150 people on a public road in this city. That's nearly one person every week. And those are just the accidents that happen on public roads. Think about sidewalks and pedestrian or bicyclist hit-and-run cases. I can't count how many times I've almost been hit on a sidewalk and had to jump out of the way. How many times have you done that?

What If You Get Into An Accident?

If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, you should document the crime and seek medical attention. Once you have been seen by a doctor and have a plan for your medical care, you need to start thinking about how you will pay for your medical bills and other damages. The best way to do this is to contact an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer like Michael T. Gibson. The Auto Justice Attorney has represented many pedestrians who have been hit by vehicles and knows how to get victims the compensation they deserve. His team will work with you to fight for your expenses to be covered, including your lost wages if you cannot work. Contacting a lawyer is the best way to ensure you are fully compensated for your pedestrian accident. 

The History of Sidewalks and Crosswalks

Sidewalks and crosswalks are a crucial part of any urban landscape, but their history is often forgotten. These pedestrian thoroughfares have been around for centuries, and their evolution has paralleled the growth of cities themselves.

Sidewalks first appeared in ancient Rome, where they were initially nothing more than raised walkways designed to keep pedestrians out of the muck and mud. These early sidewalks were made of stone or brick and were often lined with trees or other greenery. Meanwhile, crosswalks were first introduced in England in the 1950s to help pedestrians safely cross busy streets.

Today, sidewalks and crosswalks are integral to city life, helping keep pedestrians safe from traffic. But unfortunately, they can also be dangerous places when drivers ignore safety precautions.

The Benefits of Sidewalks And Crosswalks

Pedestrian accidents are on the rise. And while some may think that this is just because more people are walking, the truth is that many of these accidents could be avoided if there were more sidewalks and crosswalks. Sidewalks provide a safe place for pedestrians to walk away from traffic. They also give pedestrians a place to walk if they need to avoid obstacles in the street. Crosswalks are especially important, as they provide a safe way for pedestrians to cross the street. While it may seem inconvenient to walk a few extra feet to get to a sidewalk or crosswalk, it’s worth it when you consider the alternative. Call an attorney today if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident. Because you deserve your rightful compensation for your injuries. 

The Problems With Sidewalks and Crosswalks

In many U.S. cities, pedestrians face a daily risk of being hit by a car while walking on sidewalks or crossing streets at crosswalks. While most drivers are careful to yield to pedestrians, some do not, and these hit-and-run accidents can be difficult to prosecute. There are two main problems with prosecuting sidewalk and crosswalk accidents:  This leaves many pedestrian accident victims feeling frustrated and helpless. If you have been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, it is important to know that you have rights and options. You may be able to file a civil lawsuit against the driver, even if they are not criminally charged.


In America, the car is king. We build our cities and towns around roads, and too often, sidewalks and crosswalks are an afterthought. But sidewalks and crosswalks are more than just a nice amenity – they’re a necessity for public safety.

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