The Inquisitr (7/2/13) reports that 21 employees at a Georgia nursing home have been charged after a three-month-long investigation into activities at the Alzheimer’s Care of Commerce. The 21 employees face more than 70 charges related to alleged physical abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of residents of the home.
Associated Press (7/2/13) reports that employees were alleged to have hit patients and thrown water on them. Three residents of the home were hospitalized after authorities raided the home. Authorities reportedly first learned of problems at the home when an employee complained. Included in those charged is the owner of the home.
Included in the violations were reports of physical, sexual and verbal abuse, including one nursing home attendant hitting a resident in the face and breaking the resident’s nose; nursing home employees hitting a resident with a belt, locking him in a bathroom and hitting him in the head with a book; a nursing home failing to protect residents from a violent resident who had 50 instances of abusive behavior; a nursing home attendant sexually abusing residents; and nursing home staff verbally abusing residents.
The report’s authors conclude that nursing home abuse is a “widespread and significant problem.”
Renee S
Greg Marsh, Exposure Scientist
Users and their relatives cannot expected to solve these complex problems by making such problems economically non viable. The aged really have no advocate to deal with such insidious problems which are clearly 'Elder Abuse'.
Cindy McCarty
All public assistance and assistance purportedly available to seniors and especially low income seniors continues to be denied to all.
If anyone can or will help, we would welcome any.