Did Chantix Play a Role in Death of Popular Mayor?

. By Gordon Gibb

It was on September 28 of 2009 that the popular sitting mayor of Warner Robins, Georgia, was at home with his wife—presumably recharging his batteries while engrossed in a heated reelection campaign. Donald Walker was kicking the tobacco habit, too, with the help of Chantix. Suddenly, Patricia Walker was startled by the sound of a gunshot from inside their home. She called 911 at 11:08 am that morning, not knowing that her husband had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Was it Chantix suicide?

The Houston County Coroner released the results of an autopsy six months after Walker's death. In his report, Coroner Danny Galpin noted that Walker was taking Chantix at the time of his death. According to a summary of the report published January 23 in the Macon County Telegraph, the use of Chantix caused severe depression in the 60-year-old man. It was also reported that he hadn't been sleeping well at the time, which is another example of Chantix side effects.

In his report of March 19 of last year, Galpin was blunt. "On the day of [Walker's] death, his severe depression led him to consume large quantities of alcohol," the coroner said. "This acute ethanol intoxication state, superimposed on his severe depression, severely impaired his remembering, reasoning and cognitive abilities."

In subsequent media reports eulogizing the late former mayor and soldier, who did a stint in the army as a young man, there is no hint of underlying trouble. Just glowing reports of a man who had served as mayor of Warner Robins since 1994 and had served his community well.

Chantix aggression has been reported in previous patients attempting to quit smoking with the aid of varenicline (Chantix). However, there is no evidence that Walker was pre-disposed to any aggressive behavior prior to his tragic death. Walker's next-door neighbor, Clint Maddox, called Walker a "tender-hearted" man.

Even his opponents in the sometimes-heated race for the Mayor's chain of office had nothing but good things to say. Chuck Shaheen, who eventually succeeded to become Mayor of Warner Robins but who was battling hard with Walker for the mayor's office, struggled through tears. His campaign issued a statement later that called Walker and the Walker family "a landmark in the community for many years.

"Warner Robins has lost a son whose footprint will forever be on the heart of our great city."

Hardly words to describe someone predisposed to aggression or suicidal thoughts. However, that's what happened to the late Mr. Walker that fateful day in September 2009 when—according to the county coroner—he succumbed to Chantix and suicide.

Chantix currently carries a black box warning with regard to caution against Chantix suicidal thoughts, among other Chantix warnings.

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