"Every six months or so they added more charges to our mortgage, such as drive-by property preservation and attorney fees for sending me a letter to say I was late in payment," Kelly adds. "I got a letter from Chase saying that we had to pay $4,688 by the end of 2004 or they would foreclose on our home. That year we missed Christmas, we missed everything to scramble enough money together.
"On January 3rd I received a letter from Chase saying our mortgage had been sold to EMC—right after making that payment. That meant I just sent this money to them for nothing. When I finally got a print-out of our mortgage history from EMC, there was $1,255 carried over that "But they didn't foreclose; instead they sold our mortgage so what was this money going toward?"
Chase told Kelly that it went to their legal fees--not one cent was reflected in their mortgage. "By the middle of January, 2005 I finally spoke with someone at Chase in their customer service department," says Kelly. "They gave me no information because the loan no longer existed. I asked to speak with their legal department but I was told to formally write them with our account number and question. Which we did. I got a letter back saying the loan number did not exist.
The account number I wrote was not a typo. I just cried. Chase had no information because they sold our loan and I didn't have money for an attorney because I had spent all our money trying to keep our home.
We just refinanced with our local bank; we didn't know that the mortgage had been sold to EMC until two weeks after the fact.
Unfortunately for many borrowers, excessive attorney fees in connection with house sales and foreclosures in particular are becoming common practice. Companies like Mortgage Electronics Registration Systems, Inc., (MERS) charge borrowers more than it pays foreclosure attorneys and borrowers may not even realize they are being charged these "hidden costs".
Buyer beware--read the fine print and ask questions. And you may want to seek legal help. Keep in mind that all attorneys such as those working in connection with companies such as MERS may be unaware that the consumer is being charged excessive fees.