Denture Adhesive Poisoning Tests Not Always Straightforward

. By Heidi Turner

Most people think that denture adhesive zinc poisoning can be diagnosed with a few simple tests. But for Brenda B. (real name withheld), who has diabetes and lung problems, testing for denture cream zinc poisoning is not that easy. Although Brenda uses Fixodent denture adhesive and suffers from neuropathy, she may never have the test results to show whether her copper or zinc levels are abnormal.

"The doctors say I won't get any better—it will continually get worse."
"First, my problem started with numbness and tingling in my hands and arms," Brenda says. "Then I developed neuropathy in my feet. In my lower jaw, the middle part is dropping clear down. I can barely wear my bottom plate any more. The doctors say I won't get any better—it will continually get worse.

"Over the last few weeks, I've started developing severe leg cramps, where my legs pull up into my chest. The doctors don't know if it's related to this for sure or not, but they suspect it's the neuropathy. I have to sleep in a chair. I can't lie down because of spasms and neuropathy.

"I have used denture cream since 2001 or 2002 at the very latest. I use it four or five times a day. I first noticed these problems after I was using the denture cream for a year and a half or two years.

"The problem is that my doctor told me that if you take several medicines, they can mask your zinc and copper levels. You have to be off the medications for six months before the results will be accurate. I had my levels tested—I paid for it myself because I wanted them done—and the results came back inconclusive because they couldn't get an accurate reading.

"My doctor told me that if I continue to use the denture cream it will kill me. But, I've tried other things and they don't seem to help [with the dentures]. My doctor recommended that we talk to a dentist and see if they can make a special molding so they can make me a new set of super-tight dentures. But that will take about four to six months to go through.

"I think the denture creams are pretty much all the same. I don't think there's any one out there that's safe. Maybe if you can afford it, get implants."

Fixodent Denture Cream Poisoning Legal Help

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