Lawyers and Settlements

Mexican Mangoes May be Responsible for Salmonella Outbreak

Mexican Mangoes May be Responsible for Salmonella Outbreak
. By Lucy Campbell

Mangoes from Mexico may be responsible for a possible food poisoning outbreak due to contamination with salmonella, and are the subject of investigations by both Canadian and US governments. is reporting that more than 100 people have become ill, including 73 in California and 22 in western Canada. in late July, six cases of salmonella Braenderup possibly linked to mangoes were reported in residents of Washington state, Donn Moyer, a health department spokesman, told

Spokesperson Lola Russell said that State officials in California are working with officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to find the cause and scope of the salmonella outbreak. The genetic fingerprint of the cases in the U.S. is the same as that found in the cases in Canada, "therefore, mangoes are the likely source," she told

A recall of the mangoes has not been confirmed by either the CDC or California health officials, nor have any specific brands been named in the US.

However, during the past weekend, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency reported a recall on Daniella brand mangoes because of salmonella contamination. The affected Daniella brand mangoes, product of Mexico, were sold as individual fruit with a sticker bearing PLU# 4959 and other information. These mangoes were sold at various retail stores between July 12 and August 14, 2012. These mangoes may have been distributed in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.

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