"On November 12, I went to 7-Eleven and bought a Green Dot Debit Visa," James says. "I loaded it with $203 and it worked well; I made one purchase with it. A week later, I got my permanent card. I went back to 7-Eleven on November 24 and preloaded the card with $270. Then I bought some cigars. When I went home, I got an email that said my purchase was declined.
"I logged on to my account and the account doesn't show the $270 that I put on the card. I went back to the 7-Eleven, and they said the money had been sent to the bank. I called the 800 number and was told to call back in four hours. When I called back, they were closed. I tried again the next day and was given a case number, but to this day the situation has not been resolved.
"I talked to the manager at 7-Eleven and he said they would take the loss on it and give me $270. He said they are having the same problem as me. They can't get hold of anyone to help take care of the missing money.
"I've had no help from anyone but 7-Eleven. I gave up two days ago. Every time I phone Green Dot, they're always looking into the situation. I gave them the approval numbers but they're still looking into it.
"I'm done with that card. I bought it because I didn't want to use my regular credit card on the internet but I still feel I got scammed.
"I went online and did research and some people are talking about a class action lawsuit. I'd be interested in that. When you need help from this company, they won't help you. If it was $20, I probably wouldn't care, but it was $270. That was money for Christmas presents."