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The Pain of Kugel Mesh Patches: One Account

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Queen Creek, AZAlthough Kugel Mesh Patches were recalled in 2006, many patients still have them implanted and may be experiencing serious side effects from patches that have broken. Some patients may also not realize that their health problems are related to the Kugel Mesh Patch, thinking instead that the problem is with their body adapting to the hernia repair.

Kugel Mesh painWhen Ginger Waterman went in for hernia repair surgery in 1997, she had no idea the pain and complications she would endure for the next ten years. Waterman experienced problems immediately following the surgery, but believed the pain was caused by her body's reaction to the surgery. She admits she is not sure what patch was used in her 1997 surgery because she has not seen the doctor's report. In 2001, doctors finally took her pain seriously and performed repair surgery -- with the Kugel Mesh Patch. This repair surgery has caused her even more grief -- for the last six years.

In the span of nine months, Waterman had three surgeries to fix her hernia. "They wanted to perform a fourth," Waterman says. "I said, 'no way.' I had enough." Although Waterman did not want a fourth surgery in 2001, she says that was because she was told the problem was with her and not with the Kugel Mesh Patch. "[The doctors] didn't see my problems as real," Waterman says. "Now that they know the problem is with the patch and not with me I might consider another surgery."

Since she had her surgeries, Waterman has experienced a long list of serious problems, including constipation, diarrhea, dry heaves, vomiting, nausea, pain, infections, sebaceous cysts in the area, fever in the area, skin irritation, weight retention, abdominal expansion, and fluid build-up. She notes that she has been in extremely poor health since her first hernia repair surgery.

In addition to her physical pain, Waterman also suffered financial hardship. Although her first two surgeries were covered, she had to put the third and forth on her personal medical insurance. She also had to take a reduced salary from workers' compensation and when that ran out used up her vacation time before going on leave with no pay. In the end, Waterman left her job because of her medical condition. She is currently appealing a decision to deny her medical disability retirement application.

Kugel Mesh Patches were used in hernia repair surgeries. If you had a Kugel Mesh Patch implanted, and have suffered side effects since the surgery, contact a lawyer to discuss your options.


Composix Kugel Mesh Patches Legal Help

If you or a loved one has suffered bowel perforation or chronic enteric fistulae due to the Kugel Mesh patch, please contact a lawyer involved in a possible [Kugel Mesh Lawsuit] who will review your case at no cost or obligation.


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