Propane Explosions: Often Deadly

. By Heidi Turner

Propane explosions happen all too often and, in many cases, cause serious injuries or even death.

There are many things that can cause a propane explosion including improper use of the propane, equipment malfunctions, and gas leaks. Many people do not realize that only a small amount of propane is required to cause an explosion.

The following propane explosions were recently reported in the news: Propane is a highly flammable gas that is 1.5 times denser than air. This means that rather than rising, propane actually sinks and pools in low lying areas. It is usually intentionally odorized with a smell similar to rotten eggs so that propane leaks can be detected.

If you suspect a propane leak, make sure all sources of ignition in the area are off and leave the premises immediately. Do not use any switches, appliances, or devices that can cause sparks. If possible, close the shutoff valve on the propane tank or cylinder and only allow a qualified individual to repair the leak.

There are some things you can do to protect yourself from a propane explosion. If you have a propane system, have it checked at least once a year by a qualified service technician. The inspection should include all parts of your system, including vent pipes. If you have propane-powered appliances, make sure they are installed and repaired only by qualified technicians.

Do not use any propane tanks or cylinders that appear to be damaged and never use propane grills in apartments or small, enclosed areas. Do not assume that an empty propane tank is safer than a full one because empty propane tanks are still under pressure and have fumes in them that can cause explosions.

Always be extremely careful when working with or around propane.

Propane Explosions Legal Help

If you or a loved one have been harmed by a propane explosion, please contact a [Propane Explosion] lawyer who will evaluate your claim at no charge.