An Auto Accident "To Do" List

. By Mark Bello

Do you know what to do at the scene, and afterwards, if you are in an auto accident? Whether the accident is your fault or not, there are certain things you need to do immediately after the accident. Depending on the severity of accident, you may also face a long, legal process leading to financial hardship. Below is a list of steps to take following an auto accident and how lawsuit funding can help you avoid financial ruin.

Seek Medical Attention

If you or someone else has been seriously injured, it is important to contact 911 for immediate medical attention. Anyone with minor injuries should seek medical care as soon as possible after the accident. Seeking medical attention is necessary to document any, and all, injuries and pains sustained.

Obtain Important Information

Exchange information with all parties involved in the accident - name, address, phone number, email address, insurance company and policy number, driver license number and license plate number, make and model of vehicles. Finally, you should identify and obtain the name, address and telephone numbers of any witnesses to the accident.

A Picture is worth a Thousand Words

Document the accident with as many pictures as you can of all vehicles involved and the area where the accident occurred. Also, take photos of any cuts, bruises, lacerations, swelling, or any other visible bodily injuries as a result of the accident.

Do Not Accept Responsibility

Never accept responsibility for the accident, agree to pay damages, or sign any documentation stating the accident was your fault until you have spoken with an experienced auto accident attorney. One of the most common insurance company tactics is to get an injured person to accept a settlement and sign a release for an amount far less than a claim is worth. Do not give statements or sign anything unless your attorney is present.

Call the Police

The police will help document what happened including interviewing all parties, taking witness statements, and making sure injured parties are properly treated. They will also prepare a written report which will be helpful if you end up pursuing an injury claim.

Contact your Insurance Company

Be familiar with your auto insurance policy; know your coverage – towing, car rental, etc. You will need to report the accident to your insurance company, whether you were at fault or not.

Call an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

If you or someone in your family has been injured in an auto accident, you should consult with and experienced auto accident attorney to determine your rights and receive full compensation for damages incurred. Insurance companies are not on your side; they are only interested in their own profits and paying out as little as possible.

Do Not Broadcast

Social media has become a part of our daily lives and many like to tell every personal story. It is imperative that you do not broadcast your accident, injuries, or anything information about your case on social media sites; this includes photos and videos. Any information can, and probably will, be used against you in court.

Contact a Litigation Funding Expert

Following an auto accident, many seriously injured plaintiffs, or families who lost loved ones, face mounting bills – medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, and regular monthly expenses. When injured or deceased victims were sole breadwinners, financial implications can be devastating. This is where litigation funding can help.

Legal finance companies understand that most people do not have enough money to cover unexpected bills that result from a serious injury or death. With pre-settlement lawsuit funding, a non-recourse cash advance, plaintiffs can stay financially afloat until a settlement is reached. The application process is quick and easy with no credit checks or employment verification. If approved, funds can be available for use in as little as 24 hours. For more information, contact a legal funding expert.

Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Help

If you or a loved one is interested in additional information on Pre-Settlement Funding, please click the button below and your request will be sent to a legal funding professional who will evaluate your request at no cost or obligation.