"I woke up the next morning and couldn't catch my breath," says Frank. "I went to my regular doctor and she made arrangements for me to go to a pulmonary doctor. He put me through a battery of tests that same day, including an echocardiogram--he couldn't figure out why I was having breathing problems. Then I was put on oxygen. This was in November 2006.
Since then I have an oxygen tank and mask by my bedside and put it on every night. I also have a few inhalers which don't seem to be working very well.
About one month ago I saw the recall on TV (I never associated my problem with this product) and I went back to my pulmonary doctor with this can of Stand 'n Seal.
'Could this be my problem?' I asked him. 'I really don't know', he said, still perplexed. He didn't even read the ingredients on the can—I wasn't too impressed with him.
When I saw the recall on TV I tried to figure out when I used it. It is too coincidental—why wasn't I notified? I even had a charge account at Home Depot. That upset me the most—the manufacturer and Home Depot should have taken more care and notified consumers. Next up, I took the leftover half- full can out of my garage and looked for warning labels. The ad I saw on TV had two warning labels on it—both top and bottom that said 'danger'. I recorded it.
There is no warning on the can I have: all it says is 'harmful if swallowed'. I don't drink this shit. I breathed it! These tests cost me a fortune. I would at least like to see my medical expenses paid."