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  • What Happens to Asbestos Drilling Mud After the Fact?
    May-8-13 Santa Barbara, CA The health effects of drilling mud have long been the basis of research and conjecture, as well as litigation. Workers toiling on oil rigs within close proximity to drilling mud that allegedly contained asbestos, either recently or years previous, have remained concerned over the potential for long-term health effects. Many workers have t...
  • Drywaller Awarded $26.6M in Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit
    San Pedro, CA: An asbestos mesothelioma verdict was reached in March in the case of Michael Sutherland, a former drywaller diagnosed with mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos. The Los Angeles Superior Court jury that heard the case returned its verdict awarding $26.6 million to Michael and his wife Suszi. Mike testified that he worked as a dr...
  • Pre-Settlement Funding for Traumatic Brain Injury Cases
    May-16-13 While the proceeds from a lawsuit can cover a plaintiff’s medical expenses after a traumatic brain injury, the personal injury lawsuit can take years to settle. During this time, the injured plaintiff is usually seeking ongoing medical treatment and is unable to work either temporarily or permanently. When a plaintiff is unable to pay even basic living exp...
  • Nexium Bone Fracture Time Bomb
    May-7-13 Long Island, NY Joe started taking Nexium back in 2001, soon after it was approved by the FDA. “If I knew about Nexium side effects back then, I would never have taken it,” says Joe, who is now suffering from osteoporosis and wonders if he is a candidate for Nexium fracture risk. “I took 20 mg of Nexium every day, right up until 20...
  • Antidepressants & Birth Defects: Weighing the Risks and Benefits during Pregnancy
    May-7-13 In observance of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) Alcohol and Drug-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week, reached out to Dr. Anick Bérard, director of the medications and pregnancy unit at Ste-Justine University Hospital, and a professor at the pharmacy faculty of the Université de Montr&e...
  • Bayer Proposes $24M Settlement in Yaz and Yasmin Gallbladder Lawsuits
    Washington, DC: Bayer AG, the maker of the oral contraceptives Yas and Yasmin, has agreed to pay $24 million to settle lawsuits alleging the contraceptives can cause serious, possibly fatal side effects, including heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, gallbladder problems and stroke. Bayer will reportedly pay up to...
  • FDA Changes Dosing on Ambien, Ambien CR, Zolpidem and Edluar
    May-15-13 Washington, DC The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved label changes specifying new dosing recommendations for zolpidem products (Ambien, Ambien CR, and Edluar), which are widely prescribed sleep medications. In a statement issued Tuesday, the FDA stated it has approved these changes because of the known risk of next-morning impairment...
  • Appeals Court Finds for Plaintiff in Denied Disability Insurance Claim
    May-15-13 Sacramento, CA A woman who filed a long-term disability claim under California insurance law found herself in a legal battle with the insurer who provided coverage to her company insurance plan, filing a lawsuit against the insurer when her benefits were terminated. The insurer also sought a repayment of benefits, described as overpaid, after the plain...
  • Back and Neck Injury: Insist on MRI
    May-10-13 Seattle, WA Jeanette, a nurse, suffered an accident at work that resulted in a back and neck injury . Because she didn’t get the correct treatment in time, Jeanette’s surgeon says that she will walk with a limp for the rest of her life. Jeanette isn’t looking for back injury compensation for the slip and fall accident: she knows...
  • Water Park Lawsuit Settled for $1.3 Million
    May-14-13 Albany, NY With summer just around the corner, many thoughts will turn to amusement parks and water parks as ways of spending the hot days. Of course, with the opening of such parks will come reports of amusement park accidents and water park injuries. Most of the time, reports of theme park injuries involve trauma caused by an accident on a ride or pe...
  • Stryker Hip Replacement Lawsuits Headed to Mediation
    May-14-13 Washington, DC Some Stryker hip replacement lawsuits currently pending in a Multi-district Litigation (MDL) in New Jersey Superior Court, Bergen County, are headed to mediation. According to an announcement on May 14, Judge Brian R. Martinotti on April 2, ordered the defendants and the lawyers representing the plaintiffs to each pick five lawsuit for m...
  • Nursing Home Sexual Assaults Alleged
    May-14-13 Columbus, GA Many times when people think of care center abuse , they think of abuse perpetrated by staff or management at a care center. Certainly, a great deal of residential care abuse comes in the form of physical or mental abuse or neglect on the part of staff that is entrusted to take care of residents. In some cases, however, the perpetrators of...
  • Working without California Overtime Doesn’t Spell Job Security
    May-9-13 Modesto, CA All too often in at-will employment states such as California, people work overtime without compensation because they mistakenly believe that free labor will help secure their jobs. When employees are wrongfully terminated, however, they often retaliate by filing a California overtime lawsuit. Debra is one of those people - she regularly wo...
  • SNRI Birth Defects Can and Have Been Fatal
    May-13-13 Washington, DC A study published in Birth Defects Research (Part A, 2012) that found statistically significant associations between the use of a widely prescribed SNRI antidepressant during early stages of pregnancy and SNRI birth defects would be no surprise to the parents of two infants who did not survive after their mothers continued taking Effex...
  • Massachusetts Plaintiff Sues Over Adderall Death and Other Prescribed Drugs
    May-13-13 Boston, MA An Adderall lawsuit filed by Wellesley, Massachusetts resident John Edwards against Harvard two years after his son Johnny Edwards committed suicide, alleges the dedicated student’s downward spiral began following an examination at Harvard University Health Services at which the student was prescribed Adderall and antidepressant drugs...
  • 7000 Dental Patients at Risk for HIV and Hepatitis
    Tulsa, OK: Nearly 7,000 patients who were treated at a dentist' clinic in suburban Tulsa, may have been exposed to HIV and hepatitis, according to health investigators. A state investigation began after the health department alerted the dentistry board to a potential hepatitis C infection from Dr. W. Scott Harrington's office. CNN reported th...
  • Beyaz Side Effects: More Birth Control Options Not Necessarily Better
    May-12-13 Redmond, WA For many women, the availability of Beyaz birth control has meant more options in contraception. But for some women, Beyaz side effects have meant their lives have drastically changed, leading critics to ask if more birth control options really are better for women, given that older methods of contraception are just as effective and, as sug...
  • Avaulta Mesh: Risk of Complications without Increased Benefits
    May-11-13 Philadelphia, PA Women who have had an Avaulta mesh implant say they have been harmed by the mesh, which is alleged to have been defectively designed. The Avaulta lawsuits are not the first involving transvaginal mesh products, some of which reportedly caused serious health problems for women. Bellwether trials involving the Avaulta mesh implant are ex...
  • Bayer Acknowledges, Agrees to Settle Yasmin Gallbladder Problems
    May-11-13 Mountain View, CA In moves that will only serve to baffle the everyman, Bayer AG is set to pay $1.1 billion to acquire a California-based contraceptive manufacturer, while at the same time setting aside $24 million to settle a series of Yasmin birth control gall bladder claims. This, on top of the $1 billion Bayer set aside to settle 4,800 claims of Yasm...
  • Da Vinci Robot Lawsuit Continues
    May-11-13 Sunnyvale, CA As a da Vinci lawsuit continues, concerns have been raised about a lack of training resulting in Da Vinci robot injury to patients. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said it is surveying doctors about the da Vinci robot, following reports of death linked to the surgical device. The wrongful death lawsuit currently in courts...
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