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  • Study finds Enbrel ineffective for arthritis patients
    Oct-28-09 Pittsburgh, PA A new study out of the University of Pittsburgh has found that arthritis patients have another option in treatment to avoid Enbrel side effects . The medication has been reportedly associated with an increased risk of serious fungal infection and tuberculosis to those who take it for their rheumatoid arthritis. However, researchers le...
  • Whistleblower Helps US Recover $25 Million from Alleged Defense Fraud
    Oct-27-09 Washington, DC A whistleblower who cooperated with federal investigators and helped uncover a scheme that saw a government defense supplier allegedly earn an almost 200 percent profit, will himself earn a reward based on a percentage of the $25 million Woodward MPC has agreed to pay the federal government to settle a fraud case. Under whistleblower law...
  • New York Court Lowers Hammer on Landlord after Tenants Sue
    Oct-27-09 Manhattan, NY In the world of housing and the relationship between landlord and tenant, one would assume that the building owners would be in the drivers' seat. However, even though the landlord has the deed to the premises, the cost to maintain those premises in terms of debt servicing can be debilitating—and landlords who forget that tenants ha...
  • "Do I Qualify for a Lawsuit against MRI Health Risks and Contrast Agents?"
    Oct-27-09 Charlotte, NC Gary has undergone 6 MRIs in the past two years and each time he was injected with a gadolinium-based contrast agent. Although Gary doesn't have the early signs of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, known as NSF (leathery skin painful and painful swelling in the legs and arms), he has developed some swelling and joint problems and worries that t...
  • Report: Texas county had more than 600 cases of MRSA infection
    Oct-21-09 San Antonio, TX The Texas Department of State Health Services has found that in a single month this year, Bexar County reported more than 600 cases of MRSA hospital infections . The report was part of a pilot study approved by the state legislature in 2007 that was originally aimed to look at the rate of hospital infections for 12 months, the San Anton...
  • Family of Tot Sues over CT Scan Radiation Overexposure
    Oct-26-09 Los Angeles, CA A new and troubling issue emerging over CT brain scan and CT scan radiation has its roots in two recent events that were brought to the fore in the state of California. The issue, in a nutshell, is a nod to the fact that Americans are already receiving high levels of diagnostic radiation simply due to the prevalence, frequency and avail...
  • Jury Awards $2.5 Million in SSRI Birth Defect Case
    Oct-26-09 Philadelphia, PA The tragedy of SSRI birth defects was brought home last week when a jury in Philadelphia found for the plaintiff and held the manufacturer of an SSRI antidepressant responsible for the formation of heart defects in an unborn child. Given the growing concern over SSRI side effects, and the fact that selective serotonin reuptake inhibito...
  • Avelox may rupture athletes' Achilles tendons
    Oct-20-09 New York, NY Athletes, both professional and amateur, who suffer from respiratory problems may want to avoid the medication Avelox , which has been associated with adverse reactions such as an Achilles tendon rupture. Those who have experienced a torn tendon have been able to treat it with surgery, but must also endure a long recovery time. According t...
  • Stockbroker Arbitration Recourse Against Fraud
    Oct-25-09 Dallas, TX If you have been the victim of stockbroker fraud, you will most likely find no recourse against your stockbroker other than to go through stockbroker arbitration. That is because you likely signed a contract with your financial advisor that obligates you to file arbitration in cases where you experience stockbroker investment fraud. Stock...
  • Chantix Side Effects a Global Problem
    Oct-25-09 Seoul, South Korea The fact that Chantix suicide and Chantix side effects are an issue not just in the US but around the globe was brought home by the Korea Times recently, which took Pfizer to task over Champix (which is the name Pfizer has tagged to Chantix for foreign sales). Champix has been available in Korea since 2007 and is described as "hig...
  • Avandia: Dealing with the Diabetes Epidemic
    Oct-24-09 Tacoma, WA With words like "epidemic" describing the nation's diabetes situation, it is possible that more people will be turning to medications like Avandia to maintain their insulin levels. However, because of Avandia side effects, which include an increased risk of heart attacks, patients and their doctors will have to determine whether the Avandia...
  • Officials Propose Bill to Stop Overdraft Fees
    Oct-24-09 Montgomery, AL The news probably could not come soon enough for people who have been victimized by excessive bank overdraft fees. Senators are considering a bill that would put limits on bank overdraft fees, preventing the banks from making money off excessive bank fees. The issue is that consumers say they have been forced into overdraft protection...
  • Tenants Intentionally Exposed to Asbestos—Builders Profit
    Oct-18-09 Denver, CO It's unfathomable that anyone in America would knowingly endanger the lives of others for sheer profit. But attorney Charles Torres says that Bascom Group, a company that purchases and renovates depressed apartment complexes, needlessly exposed the residents of Highline Terrace to asbestos . "Their intentional actions were outrageous," said...
  • Plane crash in the air kills two in Louisiana
    Oct-18-09 Pineville, LA Two single-engine Cessna 150s reportedly collided in mid-air, killing two people and injuring two others over the weekend. Both planes were reportedly carrying two people during the plane accident that occurred less than a mile from Pineville Regional Airport, FAA spokesman Lynn Lunsford told the Shreveport Times. The two fatalities c...
  • California State Pays by the California Overtime Rules
    Oct-23-09 Sacramento, CA In a world in which you always hear about things going wrong, it's important to sometimes note the things that are going right, for balance. Ditto for California overtime . California overtime laws ensure that employees who qualify have a right to California overtime pay—and according to the Associated Press (AP) yesterday the state...
  • Defective Product Personal Injury…or Death
    Oct-23-09 Los Angeles, CA Diving is not everyone's cup of tea. That said, with more and more baby boomers retiring early and seeking interesting ways to pass the time, diving—for those who love the water and looking to extend their passion—is a growing industry. And like all industries, there are defective products that get in the way of a pleasant e...
  • A Victory for California Labor Law, and Others
    Oct-23-09 Los Angeles, CA The failure of a contactor to pay fair wages and overtime has resulted in a nearly quarter-million dollar settlement to laborers in California and two other states, upholding California labor law regulations and the California labor code. With a nod to California state labor laws and those of other states, Building Materials Holding Cor...
  • Nursing Home Abuse Threatens Vulnerable Patients
    Oct-23-09 Seattle, WA Although senior citizens are among the most vulnerable of our population, or maybe because of it, nursing home abuse continues to be a major concern for those who know elderly people living in nursing homes. Elder care neglect still occurs far too frequently, often having serious consequences for the victims. There are laws designed to prot...
  • Levaquin Side Effects Meant Life in Wheelchair for Seven Years
    Oct-23-09 Washington, DC When your child is prescribed medication you assume it's safe. However in the case of Levaquin, detractors say the safety factor is debatable. And Levaquin side effects , including Levaquin tendon rupture put one family through hell. Her name is Cheri Fakes—a soft-spoken, lovely young woman who one day dreamed of working for Disn...
  • Understanding ERISA Laws
    Oct-23-09 Milwaukee, WI If your employer provides any type of employee benefits plan and is a private company, then you have probably already heard of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. The ERISA plan is a federal law that sets out guidelines regarding how pension and health plans in private industry are run. Those plans can include a...
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