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  • Avandia Risks Outweigh Benefits, says Public Citizen
    Oct-10-09 Washington, DC It was on June 5th that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the maker of Avandia, released a communiqué that attempted to ease fears over Avandia risks for heart attack. The release, appearing in the media archive of the site states that the "large, long-term study shows Avandia has no increased overall cardiovascular risk compared to...
  • Heparin Manufacturing Change Leaves Mother Frustrated
    Oct-10-09 Detroit, MI Cathy is angry: immediately after her disabled daughter was given heparin for a blood clot in her lung, she suffered a heparin allergic reaction. "My daughter's abdomen was swelling and the pump in her side (she has pulmonary hypertension) started to bleed outward," says Cathy. "The doctor stopped the heparin but she needed two units of blo...
  • New York Employment Lawsuits
    Oct-10-09 New York, NY It is a city well-known for its cuisine, but many people who work in the New York restaurant industry say their employers are violating New York employment law. In fact, many lawsuits have been filed in New York, alleging that employees are not properly paid minimum wage, nor are they paid overtime, in violation of New York labor law and f...
  • Company wants to market off-label use of Botox injections
    Oct-10-09 Los Angeles, CA Allergan, the company that develops Botox treatment for wrinkles, has filed a lawsuit aimed at lifting the marketing ban of off-label uses for pharmaceuticals. However, this legal push by Allergan may make some people anxious, especially since the company's cosmetic treatment for wrinkles has been linked to Botox paralysis in the past...
  • "I'm Worried that Phentermine is Linked to PPH"
    Oct-4-09 Odessa, FL Cindy wanted to lose weight and her doctor recommended she try phentermine , but Cindy didn't know that Phentermine is the "Phen" in Fen Phen. However, Cindy now knows about Fen Phen side effects and worries that she might develop Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH) . "I took Phentermine about five years ago," says Cindy. "I knew that...
  • The Prepaid Debit Card Takes Advantage of the Disadvantaged
    Oct-9-09 Washington, DC As if the credit card companies and banks aren't making enough already, now consumers who can least afford to pay credit card user fees are being put into an even tighter financial noose while the proprietors of prepaid debit cards, such as Green Dot Visa, are raking in the cash that to some is yet another example of credit card consumer...
  • California Overtime: Some Employers Profiting From Recession?
    Oct-9-09 San Clemente, CA In this tough economy many Americans are barely making ends meet and some are falling into poverty. Just about everyone knows someone who has lost their job. In California, many workers are trying to stay employed by working overtime without compensation, contrary to the California labor law , and unscrupulous employers are profiting fr...
  • Infection Scare in Fort Lauderdale, More Than 1800 at Risk
    Oct-9-09 Fort Lauderdale, FL Just weeks before the Thanksgiving weekend upwards of 1800 patients of a hospital in Fort Lauderdale will be contemplating just what they have to be thankful for after potential exposure to HIV and hepatitis at the hands of a former nurse employed there. CNN reported yesterday that a nurse identified by police as Qui Lan of Fort L...
  • Mesothelioma Victims Fight to Expand Legal Rights
    Oct-9-09 Indianapolis, IN Patients who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos have a hard road ahead of them. There is no cure for the disease, which almost always takes the patient's life within two years of appearing. Patients who were exposed to asbestos because of their employment have filed mesothelioma lawsuits against their...
  • Treating swine flu: Parents may want to heed Tylenol side effects
    Oct-9-09 Atlanta, GA Parents who are not convinced on the H1N1 vaccine may also want to be careful when considering other treatments for swine flu, such as using Tylenol products, which have been linked to acetaminophen toxicity . Recently the Associated Press conducted a poll and found that one third of the parents who responded said they did not want their ch...
  • Nicole Richie rear-ended in car accident with paparazzo
    Oct-9-09 Beverly Hills, CA Reality television star Nicole Richie was reportedly involved in a car accident on Monday after she was rear-ended by a member of the paparazzi. Richie, who is the 28-year-old adopted daughter of singer Lionel Richie, was driving her Land Rover when a man driving a Jeep Cherokee struck the back of her vehicle in Beverly Hills, People...
  • Tyson Foods Chicken Whistleblower
    Oct-3-09 Harrison, AR In March 2009 Dale Adams, a former employee of Tyson Foods, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court against Tyson Foods Inc. Adams blew the whistle on the world's largest meat processor and the second largest chicken producer in the US when he revealed that one of its plants was washing off chickens that had fallen to the floor and were sup...
  • Persistence Pays in Plymouth Personal Injury Case
    Oct-8-09 Plymouth, MA The victim of a personal injury case in Plymouth is no longer around to collect the proceeds of her personal injury lawsuit; however her two surviving sons will split the judgment once the plaintiff's personal injury lawyer takes his cut. And while $75,000 seems like a pittance, it's something of a miracle there was even an award at all. ...
  • Stevens Johnson Syndrome Victim "Barely Survived"
    Oct-8-09 Prineville, OR In 2002 Doris was just 18 years old when she was diagnosed with Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), which led to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, known as 'TEN'. Since that time she has had nine eye surgeries and is scheduled for two more. " I have so much scar tissue my eyelids are turning inward and my eyelashes are growing on the inside of...
  • AstraZeneca Accused of Downplaying Seroquel Diabetes Risk
    Oct-8-09 Orlando, FL Defective product personal injury , together with the alleged attempts by Seroquel manufacturer AstraZeneca to downplay concern over diabetes and weight gain, have combined to foster lawsuits by upwards of 15,000 Seroquel patients. Now, the order by a federal judge in Orlando to unseal sales call notes made by AstraZeneca representatives p...
  • Yasmin Double Whammy: Gallbladder Surgery and Blood Clot
    Oct-8-09 Fairhope, AL Brook had taken Yasmin for six years without a problem; she even recommended the birth control pill to her friends--until a few months ago. Now she wants to warn women about Yasmin and Yaz side effects. Brook recently had her gallbladder removed and wound up in hospital again with a blood clot in her lung. Both Brook and her doctor believe...
  • Fen-Phen lawsuit lawyer recommended for permanent disbar
    Oct-8-09 Louisville, KY A lawyer involved in Kentucky's Fen-Phen settlement has been recommended for permanent disbarment for allegedly violating 17 ethics rules. Melbourne Mills Jr. was acquitted on criminal charges concerning the Fen-Phen lawsuit after claiming he was "too drunk" to have joined a conspiracy hatched by lawyers William Gallion and Shirley Cunn...
  • New Study Links Avandia to Bone Fractures
    Oct-2-09 Boston, MA A new study has reportedly found a link between the use of Avandia and an increased risk of bone fractures. Other reported Avandia side effects include heart attack and liver failure. The maker of Avandia now faces lawsuits alleging patients were not properly warned about Avandia risks. The study, published in the online edition of PLoS...
  • Boston Men's Health Scams Erectile Dysfunction Patients
    Oct-7-09 Decatur, GA Most advertising offering men improved performance in the bedroom are tricks and scams offered by snake oil salesmen, according to attorney Fred Orr. "There's a lot of fraud out there--these ads that promise men they can have a bigger penis or offer sex for life--all this is just garbage," says Orr, "but a lot of people are making millions an...
  • Foodborne Illness from Sick Cattle?
    Oct-7-09 Charlotte, NC This past July, Rebecca purchased large packages of ground beef, divided them into small portions and stored them in her home freezer. "Two days later I had a fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea that became so severe I went to urgent care" she says. Rebecca had blood and stool samples taken and was sent home with antibiotics, unaware she wa...
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