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  • Duragesic Pain Patches: "People Will End Up Dead"
    Mar-12-08 Calgary, AB Rayden N. says he knew when he started using the Duragesic pain patches in late 2001 that there was something wrong with them. He says he repeatedly told his pharmacist and doctor but was told that the patches were fine and he should continue using them. He decided to listen to the professionals, but says that he suffered serious side effec...
  • Psychologist Sued by Family for Daughter's Death
    Mar-11-08 Miami, FL: Rachel Finzi, 20, was an aspiring model that met a premature demise. She overdosed and died in the apartment of her psychologist on May 24, 2006. Now the family of the young woman is suing the psychologist, saying that his negligence and recklessness contributed to the wrongful death of Finzi. The psychologist, Adam Feder, 40, was charged...
  • Medtronic: It's Not Just Sprint Fidelis
    Mar-11-08 Rancho Mirage, CA Sandy Wells never had an implantable cardiac defibrillator with defective Medtronic Sprint Fidelis leads in her body. That's the good news. The bad news is that she did have a Medtronic Synergy neurostimulator implanted under her arm in hopes of relieving her chronic migraine headaches. The unsurprising news is that, like the Sprin...
  • Botox Caused Facial Paralysis
    Mar-4-08 Augsuta, GA "I have one thing to say about Botox," says Richard Roe. "Don't use it." Roe was given a series of Botox injections for facial spasms but he wound up with the left side of his face paralyzed. "I couldn't even blink; I had to put eyedrops into my left eye to keep it moist and in order for me to sleep at night, I had to tape my eyelid shut."...
  • Icy Hot Heat Therapy Patches: "Are They a Flawed Product?"
    Mar-10-08 Bolingbrook, IL Sarah says she was burned by Icy Hot Heat Therapy Patches . Although her injuries were not as severe as some people experienced, they still caused pain and required medical attention. Now, like many other people, Sarah is left wondering if the Icy Hot Patches are a defective product. One evening in February, Sarah (not her real name...
  • Medtronic: No Human Testing of the Failed Sprint Fidelis Lead
    Mar-10-08 Stamford, CT In a blockbuster revelation published in the March 6th, 2008 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), we learn that Medtronic was allowed to take the defective Sprint Fidelis lead to market with only bench testing, without the need for a human trial. Medtronic halted sales of the ultra-thin leads after a spate of adverse...
  • Chantix: A Jekyll and Hyde Personality
    Mar-10-08 Marion, OH Daniel Arndt, a 44-year old father of twin boys, locked himself inside a room of the family home while everyone was away with a 12-pack of beer and two bottles of blood pressure pills. Arndt had been three weeks on Chantix , the smoking cessation drug from Pfizer that blocks nicotine from reaching key receptors in the brain. He neatly type...
  • Trasylol: 10,000 Floridians at Risk
    Mar-10-08 Fort Meyers, FL It was revealed this week that as many as 10,000 Floridians have either lost their lives, or whose health have been seriously compromised at the hands of Trasylol , the vilified anti-bleeding drug pulled from the market in November of last year. A spate of recent media reports culminated in the February 17th airing of 60 Minutes on CB...
  • Think You Know Everything About Truck Accidents? Some Surprising Statistics
    Mar-3-08 Springfield, IL Although you may realize that truck accidents can be deadly events, you may not realize the statistics surrounding semi-trailer accidents . Even people who have driven for a long time might be surprised to know that there are many different laws governing how tractor trailers are operated across the various states. For example, in som...
  • Ezetrol: Canadian Version of Zetia Questioned
    Mar-9-08 Toronto, ON As if the Zetia and Vytorin issue wasn't enough of a frustration on its own, north of the border in Canada the Canadian equivalent of Zetia— Ezetrol —is proving just as mystifying. At issue: does the cholesterol drug work? Is it harmful? And did the manufacturer, as it was accused of doing in the US, withhold important safety a...
  • Zyprexa on Trial in Alaska: Lilly Accused of Putting Profit Before Patients
    Mar-9-08 Anchorage, AK Spectators in a courtroom in Anchorage are getting an earful about how Zyprexa maker Eli Lilly waited, according to a witness, almost nine years to add warnings to Zyprexa with regard to a risk for diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels and weight gain. Instead, Lilly is alleged to have hid data that cast Zyprexa in a bad light, and ins...
  • Nursing Home Abuse: Organizations Defend Seniors
    Mar-9-08 Boston, MA Nursing home abuse is, unfortunately, not an uncommon occurrence. Luckily, there are organizations working to improve the rights of seniors who live in nursing homes and are, as a result, all too vulnerable. However, nursing home abuse is still a widespread problem, enough of a problem that lawsuits are constantly being filed against nursing...
  • Burn Injury Victim gets the Third Degree
    Mar-9-08 Plymouth, MN "Last January, my husband suffered a burn injury at work and had to get skin grafts to his left hand and chest," says Laurie. "Jim still has to wear a glove on one hand to smooth the skin graft. People at work laugh and call him Michael Jackson. They are supposed to be adults-- you don't say this kind of thing to a burn victim." Jim (no...
  • Duragesic: Fentanyl Patch Recall Expanded Again
    Mar-9-08 Morristown, NJ With the recent announcements of Duragesic and other fentanyl pain patches, some patients are wondering if any of the pain patches are safe to use. Now, following a recall that has already been expanded once, one company is announcing that its recall has been further expanded. Patients are investigating the possibility of a lawsuit again...
  • Trasylol: "Bayer Should Be Held Responsible"
    Mar-15-08 Montgomery, AL: Thanks to a fairly high profile in the media lately, patients are learning more about the risks of Trasylol. Unfortunately, many are learning about these risks too late. They, or their loved ones, have suffered kidney failure and other serious complications due to Trasylol . Now, patients are investigating a possible lawsuit against Bayer,...
  • Hidden Car Accidents
    Mar-8-08 Salt Lake City, UT Jonathan had no reason to double-check the clean title on a vehicle he was about to purchase. That clean and clear designation guaranteed the car had no record of accidents, falsified odometer, theft or other incidents that could affect its viability and selling price. But less than a week after laying down his money, Jonathan discovered...
  • Reliving the Terror of Avandia
    Mar-8-08 Thunder Bay, ON "The whole Avandia process was not just physically painful but it was like living with a terrorist inside," says Joy. "I never knew from one minute to the next if my eyesight was going or my heart would stop. There was a lot of emotional stress involved." "My family doctor prescribed Avandia over two years ago because it seemed like...
  • Tainted Heparin Found to Contain Counterfeit Ingredient
    Mar-8-08 Washington, DC While the heparin recall by Baxter International reverberates through the medical community, the issue is becoming more and more complex, and further intensifies the concern over the propensity for drug companies to increasingly source their raw materials abroad, and especially China. In so doing, Americans are losing their faith in g...
  • Malfunctioning computer causes Airbus A319 Air Canada jet to pitch violently, injuring passengers.
    Passengers on an Airbus A319 Air Canada flight AC190 were tossed about when the plane's computer malfunctioned and caused the plan to plunge violently, throwing dishes around the cabin. The plane had to cut short its flight, landing in Calgary where ten passengers were taken to hospital for treatment. One victim was badly hurt after being thrown u...
  • Medtronic Sprint Fidelis: "I'm beginning to wonder if any of their leads are worth a crap."
    Mar-7-08 Wyoming, MI At first, Lisa Kraft's story sounds like a classic Medtronic Sprint Fidelis failure. She had a Medtronic device implanted last fall; early this year, one of the leads failed, and a month later was found to have fractured. Now she's trying to decide what to do: Have the lead replaced? Leave the device in place and hope for the best? Get rid...
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