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  • New York City Staten Island Ferry Crash Personal Injury Settlement
    On October 15, 2003 the Staten Island ferry crashed into a dock on Staten Island after pilot Richard Smith lost consciousness at the controls. Eleven people were killed and dozens of others were injured. Paul Esposito lost both of his legs in the catastrophic accident. He filed a personal injury maritime lawsuit against the city and was awarded an $8.9...
  • Maricopa County Restraint Chair Wrongful Death Settlement
    In 2002, Charles Agster III was forced by detention officers into a restraint chair. He died three days later. A medical examiner later concluded that Agster died from complications related to methamphetamine intoxication. His family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and jailhouse nurses claiming they were neglig...
  • Jumpstart Technologies FreeFlixTix Spam Settlement
    The Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Jumpstart for allegedly violating federal anti spam laws. Jumpstart allegedly disguised commercial e-mails as personal messages and mislead consumers about the terms of its FreeFlixTix promotion. The Internet marketing company was offering free movie tickets in exchange for friends' e-mail. They collect...
  • City of San Diego Chargers Disability Revenue Settlement
    The San Diego NFL Football team filed charges against the city regarding revenues lost over the past three years after Qualcomm Stadium was reconfigured to meet federal rules for accommodating disabled fans. The Chargers lost money in ticket sales, concession and merchandising for modifications made to the stadium to comply with the Americans with Disab...
  • Time Inc. Magazine Renewal Settlement
    Nearly two dozen states were investigating the Time Magazine publisher for deceptively marketing and billing consumers for subscription renewals. Instead of giving readers the option to renew their subscription when it was about to expire, Time required readers to cancel their subscription if they no longer wanted it. Between 1998 and May 2004, Time bi...
  • John Michael Armitage Attorney Wrongful Death Settlement
    In 1986 the 41-year-old business man shot Knoxville attorney Ray Campbell Jr. after he saw Campbell walking with Armitage's estranged wife. Campbell jumped over a railing on the porch and Armitage ran after him. Campbell was shot and lay in the back yard, where he bled to death. Armitage was convicted of second-degree murder; he spent 15 years in prison...
  • Cork University Hospital Brain Injury Medical Malpractice Settlement
    Darragh Crowley was born in 1998 with a brain malformation. Four days after his birth, doctors performed corrective surgery and he subsequently developed as normal healthy infant. In September 2000, Darragh became ill again and was admitted to Cork University Hospital. He underwent surgery to repair the shunt previously inserted into his brain, but sust...
  • Commercial Coating Services Employee Racial Abuse Settlement
    Charles Hickman had only worked for the pipe company in Conroe for seven months and was the only black employee. He claimed his white co-workers and supervisor started making racial taunts as soon as he was hired. One day in 2002, some of his co-workers allegedly subjected him to racial epithets and choked him with a noose; he lost consciousness and he...
  • Neurontin causes attempted suicide
    May-31-06 Two women, Julie Bryant and Stephanie Simpson, realize they are lucky to be alive today. Their stories are similar: both took Neurontin for pain, both wanted to commit suicide -- the mental anguish caused by this drug is overwhelming. Julie Bryant of Marin County, CA : "Two years ago I had extremely painful back injuries and a pain specialist prescrib...
  • Port of Oakland Emissions Settlement
    Starting in 1997, the Port undertook a major expansion and since then the emissions have doubled. The West Oakland Neighbors Association filed a lawsuit on behalf of West Oakland residents against the Port regarding the increased pollution. Terms of a settlement require the Port to set aside $2 million to purchase new, cleaner trucks for drivers to miti...
  • City of Cincinnati Police Custody Wrongful Death Settlement
    In November 2000, Roger Owensby Junior was arrested outside a convenience store. Owensby allegedly attempted to run and was tackled by several officers. He was struck several times, forced to the ground and placed in handcuffs. The 29 year old man died of asphyxiation while in police custody. His family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city an...
  • Beebe Medical Center False Claims Act Violation Settlement
    The US federal government filed charges against the hospital and two Delaware physicians for allegedly violating the federal False Claims Act by submitting charges to federal healthcare programs at a time when the financial relationship among the hospital and the doctors precluded them from receiving reimbursement from federal programs for procedures pe...
  • University of Tennessee Student Attack Settlement
    Jessica Smith was an attending student at the university. One November evening in 2002, she was struck with a brick while walking from a parking garage to her residence hall. Smith suffered severe brain damage from the attack and a lawsuit was filed against the school for allegedly failing to provide adequate lighting where the attack occurred. The Univ...
  • San Diego County and Kristin Rossum Fentanyl Poisoning Settlement
    On November 6, 2000 the county toxicologist allegedly stole fentanyl from her work and killed her husband Greg de Villers with an overdose of the painkiller. De Villers was only 26 when he was found dead in the couple's apartment with red rose petals spread over him and a wedding photo nearby. Rossum was convicted of poisoning her husband and staging th...
  • Mirant Corp. Energy Crisis Settlement
    Thousands of San Diego Gas & Electric customers will receive $31.8 million from Mirant Corp. for overcharges during the Western U.S. energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. The utilities company filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 2000, claiming that Mirant's rates were unreasonable during the energy crisis. (Dec-30-05 [ PRIME...
  • Lake County Employee Psych Exam Termination Settlement
    Donald Jackson worked as a senior utilities worker with the Public Works Department until he was fired in 2001. Jackson filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the county claiming his supervisors ordered him to submit to a psychological examination without just cause. When he refused to take the test and sought legal counsel, he was suspended and f...
  • US Government Suspected Terrorist Detainment Settlement
    The US government has agreed to pay $300,000 to an Egyptian man who sued after he was detained in Brooklyn for nearly a year following the September 11th attacks. Ehab Elmaghraby has since been deported, but was found not to be linked to terrorism. The former restaurant worker says he was allegedly shackled, shoved into walls, punched and called...
  • PPG Industries Inc. Glass Price Fixing Settlement
    A federal judge in Pittsburgh ruled in favor of a $60 million settlement to be awarded to auto body shops who claimed that PPG Industries engaged in price fixing. It was alleged that PPG Industries conspired with other glassmakers, such as Guardian Industries, Pilkington PLC, Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., AFG Industries Inc., and Ford Motor Company by overchar...
  • Balcor Co. Misused Maintenance Funds Settlement
    Tenants of the former Union Station festival marketplace filed a lawsuit against its private owner for allegedly mishandling maintenance fund money. The suit claimed Balcor misused $350,000 in tenant money set aside for replacement of 200 heat pumps that heated and cooled the tenant spaces in the station. Balcor has agreed to pay an $845,000 settlement...
  • Pinellas County Mismanagement Whistleblower Settlement
    In 2002, Rick Dodge was an assistant administrator for the county; he acted as the economic development manager and oversaw a $15 million contract with Lockheed Martin. Dodge was fired in 2002 after he began probing into allegations of mismanagement by the work force contractor. He filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the county which has agreed to pay...
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