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  • Boston Scientific inherits Guidant Heart Device Lawsuits
    Aug-1-06 According to the FDA, the reason there are not more deaths reported in patients implanted with Guidant's defective defibrillators is because most patients die outside the clinic or hospital and the devices are not sent back to the manufacturer to be checked. On June 23, 2006, Bloomberg News reported that Guidant's Contak Renewal devices might fail about 1...
  • Boston Scientific Won Guidant - What A Prize
    Jul-24-06 In the second quarter of 2006, Boston Scientific may have lost 27% of its value, but in the first quarter, it did win a nearly two month bidding war with Johnson and Johnson over the heart device maker, Guidant, with a bid of $27.5 billion for the grand prize. It probably seemed like a great deal when the bidding started. Guidant's heart device division...
  • TeenScreen - Prescription Drug Pusher In Schools
    Jul-17-06 Whenever a TeenScreen article appears in the mainstream media, it never discusses the fact that the survey is being used to label children with any number of mental illnesses. The point needs to be made that this so-called "suicide prevention tool" has a lofty purpose alright, but caring about whether or not kids commit suicide ain't it. According to atto...
  • Not Exempt from Overtime
    Jul-13-06 "We negotiated a settlement for my unpaid overtime but I turned down their final offer - the college wanted me to resign. It's not my fault that I was misclassified as exempt. Why should I resign? This third offer wasn't even enough to cover the overtime they owed me. "I'm going to fight to the end, all the way to trial if need be," says Susan James (not...
  • Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move
    Jul-9-06 The tax dollar funded mental health screening programs popping up in every corner of the nation represent an enormous gift to Big Pharma from the Bush administration. After all, drug companies can't push drugs without a lucrative customer base, so the screening programs are a great solution for that little problem. On April 29, 2002, Bush kicked off th...
  • Risk of Harm from Motrin, Aleve, Advil - Better Odds in a Crap Shoot
    Jun-30-06 Complications from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAID, have been linked to 103,000 hospitalizations and more than 16,000 deaths per year in the US, according to a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. A lack of information, experts say, is the root cause of the lack of concern over the health risks associated with NSAIDs. A...
  • ACE Inhibitors should have been Banned for Pregnant Women
    Jun-10-06 In a group of 209 babies born to women taking ACE inhibitors in the early stages of pregnancy, a recent study published in the June 8, 2006 New England Journal of Medicine, reported that 18 or 7.1% of the infants, were born with serious birth defects. Data for the study were obtained from the Tennessee Medicaid database for the years between 1985 and 2000...
  • Ortho Evra Patch Maker Johnson & Johnson Waves A White Flag
    Jun-3-06 On May 2, 2006, Johnson & Johnson attorney, Susan Sharko, wrote to New Jersey Superior Court Judge, Peter Bariso, to inform the court that the company had reached confidential settlements with 11 of the 12 plaintiffs involved in litigation in New Jersey. Less than a month earlier, on April 9, 2006, the New York Post reported that women who suffered life-t...
  • Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Help Send Kids To Prison
    May-29-06 In 2003, the pharmaceutical industry passed out $16.4 billion worth of free drug samples to doctors. These so-called free samples are literally killing people. Two young lads who were lucky enough to get free samples of Zoloft are now sitting in prison. After visits to their family doctors, Christopher Pittman and Zachary Schmidkunz were both sent home wi...
  • Asbestos Poisoning: why weren't they told?
    May-25-06 "I feel like I have been shafted. Nobody, not even our government, told us the dangers of asbestos and now my life is on the line. I don't have workers compensation because I am an independent contractor. I don't know who else to go after, or what to do." Zonolite Jim Hopkins from Coleman, Alberta is an electrician. He rewired a bunch of old houses in...
  • Our Home an Asbestos Hazard Site
    Apr-26-06 Angelica Frances and her family moved to Sedalia, Missouri and bought a home. Little did they know that soon after moving in, they would be forced to leave. The entire house was contaminated with asbestos. "We arrived in Missouri from California in October, 2005. We were moving here for work and family reasons and bought the property from a real estate/...
  • Drip Drip Drip - Paxil Info Leaks Out
    Apr-25-06 Secrecy agreements in litigation hide information about defective products or a company's negligence, and sometimes go so far as to prohibit the parties from discussing that there ever was a lawsuit. Such is the case with Paxil and as a result, unwitting patients continued to take the drug long after its dangers were known to GlaxoSmithKline. Many lawsuit...
  • Lethal Defects Of Bjork-Shiley Heart Valve
    Apr-24-06 An estimated 25 million Americans have one kind of medical implant or another. However an analysis of implant recalls over 10 years show that the average number of recalls per year was 40 and by 2001, the number rose to 117. The FDA regulates the implant industry, but many products reach the market with insufficient clinical testing, followed by very litt...
  • Autism - Worst Welfare Disaster In History
    Apr-20-06 Scientist and medical experts say that unless the government forces the pharmaceutical industry to pay for the damage caused by mercury-laced vaccines, in the not too distant future, Americans will experience the worst welfare disaster in the history of this country. No doubt with that in mind, eight members of Congress are calling for a new investigation...
  • Reviewing ADHD Drugs - FDA Goes Through the Motions
    Mar-12-06 Some of the top-selling drugs of all time are those prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders. Drug companies have physicians in every field of medicine pushing these medications and dole out millions of dollars worth of free samples each year to make sure they are passed out like candy. A new ADHD drug is set to come on the market that supposedly c...
  • Genentech and Biogen Legal Troubles - When It Rains It Pours
    Mar-7-06 Rituxan gained FDA approval in 1997, as a treatment for a certain type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Roughly 12,760 patients in the US have the form of cancer Rituxan was approved to treat. Yet by 2005, sales of the drug grew to $1.8 billion in the US. A lawsuit filed by a former Rituxan salesman explains how this happened. On January 11, 2006, Dow Jones r...
  • FDA Grants Guinea Pig Status To US Citizens
    Feb-28-06 "It is outrageous that, for all intents and purposes, the FDA allowed a clinical trial to proceed, which makes every citizen in the United States a potential "guinea pig," without providing a practical, informative warning to the public." The statement of outrage above was included in a letter to acting FDA Commissioner, Dr von Eschenbach, from Senator Ch...
  • Sex Crimes: A Tragic Story of Physical and Mental Abuse
    Feb-27-06 Lisa Tri, from Buffalo, Minnesota was sexually and physically abused by her mother's ex-fiance when she was 10 years old. "He had me so scared that I didn't tell anyone," says Lisa. "Besides, nobody would believe me - he worked for a minimum security correctional facility in Redwing, Minnesota and had me so brainwashed I didn't even tell my Mom until we m...
  • Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
    Feb-21-06 Although peddling psychiatric drugs for off-label treatment of every ailment known to man is highly profitable, it is also illegal. Marketing schemes that increase the rates at which drugs are prescribed for off-label use, result in the sale of drugs that have not been proven safer or superior to FDA approved medications already on the market. That said,...
  • ADHD Drugs - Cash Cow For Pharma
    Feb-13-06 "Our society viewed with loathing those who 'pushed' stimulant drugs on children," says child psychiatrist Dr Peter Breggin. "Yet today, there are more children taking Ritalin and amphetamines from doctors than ever received them from illegal pushers," he says. "Parents and teachers and even doctors have been badly misled by drug company marketing practic...
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