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  • Unum Group Reports Healthy Earnings, Despite Denied Claims Reassessments
    Aug-6-07 Albany, NY It would be little consolation to current or former clients of Unum Group (formerly UnumProvident) who have ever had their claims denied, to know that the company has announced healthy earnings for the second quarter, fuelled by record revenue from their Colonial Life division. And in spite of taking a $53 million dollar charge against the...
  • Unum: Better Benefits and Bigger Profits
    Jul-9-07 Albany, NY: Listening to the Unum conference call posted on the Internet, you immediately want to jump on board as an investor. Unum Group (formerly UnumProvident) reported strong first quarter results for 2007, and is bullish about the remainder of the year, according to the contents of a recorded conference call from early May, posted online. Compan...
  • Car Title Loan Lawsuit Information & Legal News
    Attorneys are investigating potential car title loan lawsuits against predatory lending companies that target financially vulnerable consumers for high-interest loans and force them to use their cars as collateral for the loan. Even though in some cases the value of the title loan is only a fraction the value of the vehicle, if the borrower defaults on...
  • In Case of Car Accident: A Lawyer Can be Your Best Friend
    May-23-07 Parsippany, NJ If you were ever in the market for a good lawyer, chances are it would be after a car accident. Not to soften the consequences of an accident for which you might have been at fault, but rather to represent your interests - and plain, old-fashioned fair play - in the face of the other guy, having caused the accident in the first place, gett...
  • Are Propecia Long-Term Side Effects Really Rare? Not according to Some...
    Jun-19-15 San Diego, CA Anthony took the hair loss drug Propecia for two years and the generic finasteride for another few years - until he became aware of Propecia long-term side effects. “I’ve had sexual dysfunction problems for the past eight years and because of Propecia, I’m also battling depression,” he says. By the time the FDA...
  • Second US Government Data Breach Could Affect 14 Million
    Jun-14-15 Washington, DC Recent data breaches affecting Target and Home Depot were sufficient to unnerve even the most ardent and confident consumer of online information and commerce. However, when the federal government was hacked a few weeks ago, concern turned to fear for many. If the government isn’t safe, then who is? And now, according to The Gu...
  • Another Asbestos Laundry Death: Children Continue Wrongful Death Asbestos Lawsuit
    Jun-12-15 New Orleans, LA An asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit currently winding its way through a Louisiana federal court is minus one claim after a federal judge granted partial summary judgment to the defendant(s) and tossed a claim made by the plaintiffs for mental anguish. A host of remaining claims, however, are still at play. The asbestos lawsuit is founde...
  • Five Top Pit Bull Verdicts
    Jun-10-15 Each day about 1,000 U.S. citizens require emergency care treatment for dog bite injury, according to For pit bull injuries or dangerous breeds, one in every six bites require medical attention. In the last 10 years, pit bulls killed 203 Americans and accounted for 62 percent of total recorded animal related injuries. A victim may recove...
  • Investigators Zero In on Pill Pushing Doctors
    Mar-14-07 Washington, DC: The number one goal of drug makers in dispatching sales representatives to meet with doctors face-to-face is to increase sales by convincing doctors to prescribe drugs off-label for unapproved uses, by saying whatever it takes to achieve that goal. A May 2006, study titled, "Turning Medicine Into Snake Oil," analyzed FDA warning letters...
  • Emergency Room Overcharges Start with Getting There
    May-16-15 Los Angeles, CA A California federal judge last month heard how former top-level hospital administrators were fired for refusing a kickback scheme that involved ambulance services connected to emergency room overcharges billed to Medicare, Medi-Cal and other government agencies. The original lawsuit claims the executives at Palo Verde Health Care Dist...
  • Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Defective Defibrillator Leads
    Medtronic, Inc. has voluntarily suspended sales of its Sprint Fidelis defibrillation leads--a component of Medtronic's implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) that link the heart to the ICD. Personal injury lawsuits are now being filed against Medtronic alleging the company is responsible for manufacturing and marketing defective defibrillators. ...
  • California Assembly Bill 5 in for a Bumpy Ride with Truckers
    Nov-20-19 Sacramento, CA California trucking fleets don’t agree with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who says that AB5, a new California labor law , he signed into law on Sept 11 is a “landmark legislation for workers and our economy.” Rather, the California Trucking Association (CTA) argues in its federal lawsuit that the bill “runs afoul of...
  • Personal Injury - Verdict in favor of Plaintiff in the amount of US$1,745,310
    Case Name : Bauer v. AAA (Auto Club Group) Case Number : 19HA-CV-13-4463 Verdict Date : Outcome Type :  Jury Verdict Court : Dakota County, Minnesota Plaintiff's Complaint : Plaintiff was injured when an unoccupied flat bed tow truck rolled backwards into him breaking both legs. The tow truck driver was sued and settled...
  • Malpractice - Verdict in favor of Defendant
    Case Name : William S. Trump, Jr., et al. v. Adel El-Bialy, M.D. Case Number : BC462043 Verdict Date : 2015-08-19 Outcome Type :  Jury Verdict Court : Kathryn Trump ("decedent"), a 52-year-old patient, suffered from irreversible end-stage cardiomyopathy and was a candidate for a heart transplant. Defendant cardiologist Adel El-B...
  • Texas Auto Accidents Injuries
    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) there were 3,382 fatalities in Texas car accidents in 2008. Car accidents in Texas, as in other states, are a common occurrence. However, victims of Texas auto accidents can protect their rights by filing a claim, so that any lost wages and money spent on medical expenses related to...
  • California Labor Law May Slam on the Brakes for Uber and Lyft
    Mar-16-15 San Francisco, CA Uber and Lyft, the on-demand car services, may be putting the brakes on their business models due to California labor laws . The companies must convince juries why they shouldn’t offer their drivers minimum wage, reimbursement for expenses and other benefits rather than classify them as independent contractors. Federal judges...
  • Hospital Overcharging Included $2,500 Billed for Individual Surgical Screws
    Mar-15-15 Houston, TX It isn’t often that emergency room charges and hospital overcharging are used in the same sentence with words such as “racketeer” and “corrupt.” However, such allegations are included as part of claims brought against Houston-based North Cypress Medical Center by Aetna Life Insurance Co. At issue are allegation...
  • Unum’s Charitable Donations Sure to Infuriate Policyholders’ Denied Disability Benefits
    Mar-4-15 New York, NY Last month, Unum, or Unum Provident reported that it contributed $3 million in 2014 to non-profit organizations in Southeast Tennessee and North Georgia. As well, Unum employees volunteered thousands of hours to “their favorite local causes.” No doubt this infuriates disabled policyholders who were denied their Unum long-term d...
  • Oxford Insurance accused of Anti-Competitive Practices
    Oct-21-06 New York, NY A suit filed last month claims that UnitedHealth Group Inc. and its subsidiary, Oxford Health Plans , have been engaging in anti-competitive practices. The suit argues that even though UnitedHealth and Oxford are operated as separate businesses, physicians are required to join both networks. Plaintiffs argue that this has a negative im...
  • Injured Charite Spinal Disc Victims and DOJ go after Johnson & Johnson
    Oct-18-06 Washington, DC In less than two years, the FDA has received over 130 reports of serious adverse events related to the Charite disc . Lumbar spinal fusion is a procedure in which the vertebrae of the spine are fused together so that motion can no longer occur. As an alternative, the Charite disc replacement surgery is supposed to restore spinal flexib...
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