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  • Reliance Standard Denied Disability Lawsuit News & Legal Information
    A number of Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company policyholders have filed denied disability lawsuits against their insurer claiming bad faith tactics. Reliance Standard, also known as First Reliance, allegedly practices bad faith insurance to delay, deny or terminate claims. If you have been wrongfully denied an insurance claim and think Reliance Insura...
  • Unum Policy Holder Ignored
    Oct-26-10 Newcastle, VA Most complaints Lawyers and Settlements receives about Unum concerns long-term disability denial. In Dave's case, his Unum insurance claim didn't even reach that stage. "Unum has totally ignored me," he says. Dave was fired from his job—ironically, he sold insurance—and suffered a severe depression, so much so that it took...
  • Plaintiff Wants Appeal of Years-Long Claims, Defendant Opines to ‘Get on with It’
    Jan-5-18 San Francisco, CA: A years-long healthcare fraud whistleblower lawsuit remains an apt example of just how long in the tooth litigation can extend. And while the current version of a health care fraud lawsuit does not resemble the characterization of the original litigation, attempts at various appeals could extend the litigation well beyond 2018. At...
  • OSF Church Plan Participants Settle for “ERISA Lite”
    Oct-11-20 Benton, IL Participants in the OSF Plans have agreed to settle an ERISA lawsuit , against OSF Healthcare System and related parties, which challenged the plan’s status a church plan. The settlement will require OSF to contribute $25 million over 5 years to the plans, and to provide participants with documents disclosing plan provisions and changes...
  • Unum Denies Depression
    Sep-28-10 Nortonville, KS Sharon paid into a health insurance policy with Colonial Life, a subsidiary of Unum , for almost 20 years. Despite being physically disabled from a motorbike accident, Sharon taught school for all this time—until she was diagnosed with depression. And to make her mental disability even worse, Unum Provident denied her Unum long-ter...
  • Securities Attorney: Victims Have Nothing to Be Embarrassed About
    Sep-19-10 Tampa, FL Investors who believe they are the victim of securities fraud should seek an attorney's advice sooner rather than later. That is the word from J. Benton Stewart, attorney at Stewart Law, P.L.L.C. Stewart says the statute of limitations on securities investment fraud could prevent people from recovering lost money. Although people may feel emb...
  • Textured Breast Implants from Six More Manufacturers Linked to BIA-ALCL
    Oct-1-20 Washington, DC  A recently published study links breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) to implants manufactured by seven pharmaceutical companies. In addition to Allergan, the manufacturer of Biocell textured breast implants, the study names Mentor Worldwide, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, Silimed Polyurethane, Euro...
  • Bravelle Fertility Drug Lawsuit Information & Legal News
    Ferring Pharmaceuticals faces allegations that its Bravelle fertility drug is ineffective following a fall 2015 recall of certain lots of the drug. The Bravelle recall reportedly concerned lots of the drug that were not as strong as specified, resulting in a lessened therapeutic effect. Bravelle lawsuits have been filed in the United States and Canada...
  • Uber Hit with Proposed Class Action in California
    Dec-7-17 Los Angeles, CA: A California labor lawsuit brought by a Uber driver likens a pricing model observed by Uber to stiffing drivers of proper wages as required under California labor law. For its part, co-defendant Uber Technologies Inc. disagrees with plaintiff Sophano Van’s allegations and is trying to have the lawsuit tossed. As outlined in L...
  • "Don't Give up the Fight with Unum"
    Jul-26-10 Silver Spring, MD Beth was denied long-term disability benefits from healthcare provider Unum based on a pre-existing condition—and Unum denied two appeals. Through a lot of perseverance, Beth finally convinced Unum to reverse its decision and pay what is rightfully hers. Beth (not her real name), 31, was diagnosed with renal failure in early...
  • Department of Labor Files ERISA Lawsuit Against Georgia Attorney
    Jul-21-10 Savannah, GA The US Department of Labor has filed a lawsuit against a Georgia attorney for allegedly violating the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or ERISA . The Department of Labor is accusing Benjamin Eichholz of Savannah, Georgia, of improperly transferring, lending or using plan assets in violation of ERISA, reports WSAV, an NBC affiliat...
  • Attorney Helps Single Mom in Overtime Lawsuit
    Jul-14-10 Modesto, CA Kim's attorney—whom she found through LawyersandSettlements—said she definitely has a California overtime case against her former employer. "He asked if I would be happy with $10,000 and that is more than I expected," says Kim. "Thank god my attorney is working on a contingency basis—now I have hope." "I was employed ei...
  • Fire Accident at Natural Gas Mine Could Burn for Days
    Jun-10-10 Moundsville, WV A massive fire accident at a natural gas well just outside of Moundsville, West Virginia will continue to burn for two to three days, according to local oil and gas officials. The accident began early Monday morning when the gas well, which was being drilled through an abandoned coal mine, mysteriously exploded, injuring seven worker...
  • Six Sue Tristar for Exploding Pressure Cooker Injuries
    Oct-29-17 Philadelphia, PA On September 19, 2017, six burn victims filed a lawsuit  against Tristar Products, Inc. in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. They claimed they were hurt when their Tristar pressure cooker’s advertised “Built-In Safety Features” failed. All of the incidents cited in In Re: Kenneth Christian, et al. v. Tris...
  • What is Next for Burn Pit Lawsuits?
    Oct-26-17 Washington, DC In August, the plaintiffs filed a Notice of Appeal In re: KBR, Inc., Burn Pit Litigation seeking to overturn the decision  of the Fourth Circuit that barred them from suing the military contractor who operated the burn pits  in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since individuals cannot sue the military itself, the Fourth Circuit decisi...
  • Our love-hate relationship with Uber and Lyft –Can we Compromise?
    Aug-26-20 San Jose, CA The mayor of San Jose, Sam Liccardo, is a smart guy. He understands that the public have a love-hate relationship with “gig companies” like Uber and Lyft, and he also understands that there has to be a model of “give and take” from both sides, i.e., the California labor law  regulators and leading gig companies. ...
  • Cook Celect IVC Filters Approved Through FDA Fast Track Approval Process
    Oct-18-17 Indianapolis, IN: One of the manufacturers of inferior vena cava filters facing lawsuits is Cook Medical, the enterprise behind the Cook Celect line of IVC filters. The devices are placed into the inferior vena cava, the primary artery returning deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities up to the heart and lungs. The devices by Cook and other manuf...
  • ReNu Recall Lawyer
    In April, 2006 Bausch & Lomb--the makers of Renu with MoistureLoc--issued a worldwide recall after its contact lens solution was linked to hundreds of cases of Fusarium Keratitis, a rare eye infection that can cause severe eyesight damage and even blindness. ReNu Contact Lens Solution Recall Researchers with the Center for Medical Myco...
  • Wells Fargo Now Favors Arbitration in Long-Running Overdraft Fees Lawsuit
    Oct-16-17 Atlanta, GA: The defendant in an excessive bank overdraft fees lawsuit petitioned an appeals court back in August to compel more than a million Wells Fargo account holders allegedly hit with excessive bank fees to individually pursue a remedy through arbitration, rather than through the courts. The New York Post (08/25/17) reports that Wells Fargo...
  • California Senator Calls for an End to Lengthy Backlog of Social Security Disability Claims
    May-1-10 Washington, DC Speaking before a joint congressional hearing earlier this week, Democratic Representative Bob Filner tasked his fellow members of Congress with ending the excessive backlog of social security disability claims. The reason for this call to action from the California congressman is the ever-expanding list of social security claimants w...
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