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Baton Rouge

Winafred Scarbrough is owed $300,000 by the city of Baton Rouge and she would like a federal judge to make the city parish pay her. A 2003 jury awarded Scarbrough the money and found the Louisiana government to blame in the accidental death of her 12-year-old son. Eric Scarbrough was killed while walking to school on the side of Mohican Street on May 20, 1993. He was struck in the back of the head by the side view mirror of a truck and died 11 days later from massive skull fracture. . The lanes on Mohican Street were 9 feet wide but the city parish standards adopted in the 1940s required lanes to be a minimum of 10 feet wide. The Baton Rouge jury awarded $1 million to Scarbrough with most of the responsibility delegated to the company that owned the truck. (Nov-13-04)

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Published on Nov-25-04


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