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Wisconsin Energy ContaminationSettlement

A subsidiary of the company, We Energies, has settled with machine tool company Gidding & Lewis for $8.6 million. Gidding & Lewis allege that the energy company dumped contaminated material on its land. A similar case with the city of West Allis resulted in a near equivalent sum being given by We Energies to build a new fire station. Both settlements are a result of 26 000 tons of woodchips contaminated with cyanide, a by-product of a gas production plant, which were dumped in 1959. A jury in 1999 ordered the company to pay $100 million in punitive damages, which was followed by the lawsuits brought up by both Gidding & Lewis and West Allis officials. (Sept-04-02) [MILWAUKEE BUSINESS JOURNAL]

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Published on Apr-26-05


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