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American Kennels

Regina O'Rourke of Patterson NY filed a lawsuit against the Upper East Side pet store alleging her 'teacup' Maltese had been guaranteed to weigh less than 5 pounds. The little dog suffered from a congenital knee condition and reached maturity at 8 pounds. O'Rourke paid $2,500 for her teacup Maltese and was awarded a $1000 rebate to make the difference of a standard Maltese. (May-09-05)

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Published on May-16-05


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The pet store has agreed to give us the amount paid for the dog ($1080) as long as we sign a liability waiver stating we won't sue them in the future. We didn't sign the paper and they basically told us to screw off. We are in the process of taking them to small claims for the $1080. We have a letter from the vet stating the pup was unfit for sale so there is no doubt we will be awarded the $1080 without question.

However, we intended on breeding our puppy with our other puppy when they reached the appropriate age as we are dog lovers and want a full family of boxers. The dog we bought is completely unbreedable and has many hereditary and congenital problems. He was hospitalized within the first week of adopting him--diagnosed with pneumonia, contracted worms, and a hereditary mange problem. He is going to require surgery in the next few months to recover his testicles that are inside his abdomen somewhere.

We are very upset that we cannot breed him, but we are very attached to him as well, and do not choose to give him back to the petstore, as they will euthanize him.


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