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Dr. James Smith

Michael Woodie coached girls' basketball at Stevenson School in Pebble Beach and the West Valley Boys and Girls Basketball Travel Club. On May 24, 2003, 41-year-old Woodie went into Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital for gall bladder surgery. Dr. James Smith performed the surgery, but Woodie bled to death 10 hours later. His family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the doctor. The suit claimed Smith performed the surgery only three days after taking Woodie off Plavix (a blood clot preventing medication), rather than waiting five days as recommended by the manufacturer. The lawsuit alleged Smith performed the surgery too soon and neglected to order adequate monitoring of Woodie's condition after the operation. A Monterey County Superior Court jury awarded a $340,000 to Woodie's family. (Apr-11-06) [MONTEREY HERALD]

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Published on Apr-11-06


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