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Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.

Houston, TX: (May-21-07) The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as the State of California Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response, and the San Francisco Bay and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Boards filed a civil suit against Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P., accusing it of release of petroleum products during three pipeline incidents in northern California. The releases occurred in the Suisun Marsh area in Solano County in April 2004, in Oakland in February 2005 and near Donner Pass in April 2005. As part of the settlement agreed upon, KMP has undertaken a number of operations and pipeline integrity initiatives to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The Concord to Sacramento pipeline that was involved in the Suisun Marsh incident was replaced in late 2004 as part of a major expansion project and was routed outside the marsh area. In a consent agreement, KMP agreed to pay approximately $3.7 million in civil penalties, $1.3 million in natural resource damages and assessment costs, and $170,000 in agency response and future remediation monitoring costs. In addition, KMP agreed to perform enhancements in its Pacific Operations relative to its spill prevention, response and reporting practices. [PR NEWSWIRE: KINDER MORGAN OIL SPILL]

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Published on May-22-07


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