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Jefferson Parish, LA

This is a settlement for the Commercial lawsuit.

Jefferson Parish, LA: (Jun-20-07) Revenue Resources, a River Ridge company, filed suit against Jefferson Parish, alleging that the government improperly canceled its contract when it came under attack from watchdogs and some council members. Since 1995, Revenue Resources worked for the parish digging up ideas for new income streams. Its most lucrative suggestion was a motel sales tax that the Legislature redistributed in 1997, earning the company a 30 percent share of all collections through 2008. The arrangement came under scrutiny in 2005 through inquiries by The Times-Picayune. Councilman Chris Roberts later said the parish should handle the work in-house and ridiculed the payments to the company. Revenue Resources sued the parish in July 2005, claiming that it was entitled to the payments. In a negotiated settlement agreed upon, Jefferson Parish agreed to pay Revenue Resources $400,000 to settle the lawsuit. Parish officials stated that the decision means the parish pays all but about $75,000 of the contract had it continued, but it prohibits the firm from claiming future earnings from ideas it may have proposed. [EVERYTHING NEW ORLEANS: CONTRACT CANCELLED]

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Published on Jun-24-07


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