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Redding, CA

Redding, CA: (Jul-03-07) The family of Timothy Alan Brandon filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Redding, its police department, Shasta County, and the county's department of mental health, after Brandon was fatally shot during a 2004 standoff outside his home. Brandon was shot and killed by police on March 18, 2004, after he emerged from his Sacramento Drive home in south Redding waving a handgun. Police, who had gone to the house after receiving reports that Brandon was armed and suicidal, have said that he ignored orders to drop the weapon. Officers fired eight shots after he allegedly made sweeping motions in their direction while holding his loaded 9 mm semiautomatic weapon. An autopsy determined that Brandon was hit by four or five of the eight shots fired. At least two of his five wounds appeared to have been potentially fatal, according to the autopsy.

Although the Shasta County district attorney's office determined that the deadly shooting was legally justified, a wrongful death lawsuit claiming excessive force and negligence was filed on behalf of Brandon's two minor children, Mansun Dae Brandon and Steele Colby Brandon, through their guardians, Teri Milburn and Patricia Brandon. The county and its mental health department successfully fought the lawsuit, arguing that they were immune from liability, leaving the city of Redding and its police department as the defendants. In a settlement reached, the city agreed to resolve the wrongful death lawsuit for $130,000. [REDDING: POLICE SHOOT OUT]

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Published on Jul-5-07


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