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Easton, PA

Easton, PA: (Sep-04-07) Douglas Schlegel, a retired Easton police officer who had been a defendant in at least six police brutality lawsuits, filed a lawsuit against the city, alleging that he was wrongly demoted from lieutenant. In a settlement reached, Schlegel, who was the cause for the city's paying out close to $2.4 million over the last 16 years, will receive $25,000 and a pension boost from the city to settle a federal lawsuit he filed in 2006. Schlegel retired in June 2006. In a special meeting, City Council approved the settlement, which also includes a $10,000 payment to his attorney. It was the third settlement approved for a former police officer demoted during Police Chief Stephen Mazzeo's 21-month tenure, which ended with Mayor Phil Mitman forcing him into retirement in late 2005. Mitman, who is not seeking re-election, said he has been trying to resolve as many outstanding legal disputes as possible before leaving office at the year's end. [MORNING CALL: POLICE DEMOTION]

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Published on Sep-5-07


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