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Clean Up Delays

Kauai, HI: (Oct-17-07) The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) brought charges against land owner and auto dealer James Pflueger , alleging that he failed to comply with a court that ordered a cleanup at Pila'a. EPA officials stated that they were penalizing Pflueger with an additional $135,000 fine for construction delays, something his attorneys are calling a nightmarish catch-22, because, they claim, the county has failed to provide Pflueger with permits for the work. Records show that the $135,000 penalty comes shortly after another penalty was issued last week for $23,500 for other missed deadlines including an abandoned supplemental environmental project that would have replaced cesspools in Kalihiwai. The current fine doesn't include a $2 million penalty that Pflueger was ordered to pay the state, nor the $5.3 million in repair required to prevent erosion. [KAUAI GARDEN ISLAND NEWS: LEAN UP DELAYS]

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Published on Oct-18-07


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